I nodded, taking his arm and following him into the corridor.
“Have you heard anything from the Martens?”
“I spoke with Lily earlier and she said they were all fine. I also saw Nym and he reported nothing out of the ordinary. The house is being watched, but nobody has so much as neared your wards. They are safe.”
Relief flooded my body, making my steps lighter as we descended the stairs. I spotted the butler waiting for us with a pair of coats draped over his arm. Roman helped me into mine, dismissing the old man before we stepped into the garage.
“I know I’ve said this before, but I’m concerned,” he said as he guided me through the darkness. I was just opening my mouth to say that the witches wouldn’t dare attack me tonight of all nights, but then he continued. “About your attachment to them.” It wasn’t until we were inside the car that he spoke again. “I’m worried about what will happen to you when they inevitably die. Because they will die, Celeste, whether it’s from an enemy’s hand or old age.”
“I…” I started while he drove into the bright night, keeping his eyes on the road. “I know that,” I muttered in the end, looking away. I knew they would die, but so was I one day, and if what my gut was telling me was true, it might be sooner than expected. I couldn’t tell him that, of course. “I just want them to have long, happy lives. I dragged them into this mess, so I owe them that. Once I get my powers back…I’ll be able to make sure they are properly protected, even if I’m not around. Then I can let them go.”
Roman’s hand slid to my knee, squeezing it lightly. He was quiet for a while, his attention seemingly taken by the empty road, but I could feel tension radiating from his body. Pity too, if the way he glanced at me was any indication.
“I’m just trying to protect your heart,” he said quietly, squeezing my leg again. “There is a reason my kind does not meddle with humans, and while witches have the closest lifespans to them, you are not a regular witch. You’ve lived longer than most creatures on this earth, and you might outlive them all. Getting attached to things—to people—is just setting yourself up for heartbreak.”
I sighed, feeling my heart plummet even deeper into the pool of frustration that had been bubbling in my stomach. As if sensing that, Roman moved his hand to cup mine. He brought my fingers to his lips, kissing them gently. Despite feeling his insistent gaze on my face, I kept staring ahead.
“I will not press the issue,” he said softly, releasing my hand. “So wipe that sour look off your face. We are almost there.”
He set my hand down, maneuvering through the streets with such expert ease, I grimaced. I needed to learn how to do that as well. I didn’t want to be driven like a package everywhere.
The vehicle came to a stop, and he got out, striding to my side with a very slow, very human speed. I let him help me out, craning my neck up at the giant building. Roman led me up the steps, barely glancing at the women in fancy gowns that were heading the same way.
“They will try to stop me from going inside. How would you like me to handle it?” Roman spoke in my ear when we reached the doors leading inside the building. Several of the witches gave him incredulous glances, as if they didn’t know what he was doing there, but he ignored them. It wasn’t surprising, considering that everyone attending tonight would be female. He was standing out even more than I was. “I assume you’d like to avoid bloodshed?”
“If we can.” I smiled, and his lips twitched in amusement. “Let me handle it.”
Roman inclined his head in agreement, stepping by my side until it was finally our turn. A middle-aged man, dressed in a well-fitting mossy-green suit, was standing with a folder and a pen, marking names down as the women moved past him. His dark hair was slicked back, revealing pierced ears and the hint of a tattoo running from his neck down.
“Na…?” he paused, looking Roman over from head to toe. “I’m afraid you are not on the list, sir. This party is for ladies only. I—”
“He is my plus one.” I cut in and the guard turned his eyes to me. The sharpness in his features softened, but he still shook his head.
“Apologies, but plus ones aren’t allowed. He’d have to stay here. What’s your name, Miss?”
“Celeste.” I supplied with a smile.
“Your surname?”
“Just Celeste,” I repeated, and he looked at me under his brows. He scanned the list and nodded.
“You may enter, but he cannot,” the human said, giving Roman another cold look. “Only the people on the list are allowed. No exceptions.”
“There are always exceptions.” I smiled wider, slipping my hand inside the hidden pocket of my dress—another thing I needed to thank Roman for—and plucking out one of the tiny jars I had brought with me. The host watched me with his brows knitted together as I poured some of the powder onto my palm. I looked at him again, then blew the concoction in his face.
He started to cough. When he looked back at me, an adoring smile appeared on his lips. I matched it with one of my own, cupping his cheek gently. He leaned into my touch, the folder forgotten in his arms.
“What’s your name, handsome?” I asked in a low, sultry voice.
“Brendan,” he replied quickly, licking his lips. “I…You are so beautiful! I’m sorry for being so rude, it’s just the rules…”
“Oh, I know, I know.” I nodded, tapping his cheek gently. “But you see, heison the list.” I lifted the folder in his hand and poked my finger over the sheet of paper without even looking down. “See?” His eyes followed my movement, but then he was staring at my face again, so quickly that there was no way he had read the name I was pointing at. “We can go in now, can’t we, Brendan?”
“Yes, of course, of course,” he said readily, finally stepping out of my way. “I’m sorry, you can go in and enjoy yourselves. I was mistaken, you are absolutely right.”
“You are such a delight, Brendan,” I purred, putting a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for being so hardworking. I’ll come to find you later so we can chat some more, yes?” His eyes brightened, and he nodded again. “Carry on. I’m sure your job is very important.”
He puffed his chest with pride as I moved past him. Roman followed close behind, his hand returning to the small of my back when we crossed the giant entry hall.