Page 26 of The Soulless Witch

“I thought you wanted to run away from me.” Roman’s voice echoed through the trees, and I dug my heels in just as a figure leisurely stepped in my path. His body was back to perfect lean muscle, his lips curved into an amused smile that had won too many arguments.

Without hesitation, I sent the flame that I had been fanning over my palm in his direction. The fire darted toward his chest and he jumped back, landing in a crouch on one of the other trees like he couldn’t be bothered with gravity. The predatory spark in his eyes made them gleam even brighter when he jumped out of the trajectory of my next attack, disappearing behind another tree.

I sent a pulse of magic in all directions that told me he had retreated enough for me to move, then dashed forward, channeling more of my magic. It had been so long since I had to save up my strength and worry about losing, even if it was against someone who claimed he wouldn’t hurt me.

The strongest witch in the world, many had called me. If only they could see me now. I didn’t even have enough strength to control my own heart.

“You know, at first I thought you liked the thrill of the chase. That’s why you let the Order hunt you for so long. But then I realized that wasn’t it.” Roman’s voice echoed from everywhere at once. I tripped again, but this time stayed on my feet. A movement caught my attention, and I looked up, only to find Roman blocking my path again. He didn’t attack, just leaned against a tree, even having the audacity to cross his arms. “I think the reason you let them chase you, the reason you allowed them to slip from your grasp and rebuild their stupid Order, was because you were trying to be merciful.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” I snarled, calling onto more of my fire until snakes made of pure flame slithered around my arm, hissing with the promise of pain. Roman eyed them curiously before smiling at me.

“Don’t I? You could have wiped them out of existence from the start, along with everyone who had ever heard of them, but you chose not to because you wanted to prove them wrong. That’s one of the things I love about you.”

I hurled my fire at him, watching the flames explode as they slammed into the tree trunk.

“Despite what the world did to you, you still want to prove them wrong. You want to show them you deserve to live, love, and be happy. To show them you are worthy.”

I gritted my teeth in frustration, more and more of my magic rising up, eager to turn into flames. I could feel myself scraping at the bottom of my well already, but I didn’t care.

“I thought you were going to fight me!” I shouted at the quiet forest, my eyes darting from one tree to another. “Then come and fight me, you asshole!”

Panting heavily, I stopped moving, listening for any telltale sound that would tell me where he would appear next. I knew it was pointless to hope to catch a vampire unaware, not with my human ears, but this was Roman. I knew him.

I spun around, more by instinct than anything, slamming my palm into smooth, cold skin. Standing right behind me, Roman didn’t seem surprised at all. He didn’t even look down at the flames licking his body again.

“I never said I would fight you, only that I would chase you until you stop running,” he said softly, taking a step closer. I took one back, digging my nails into his bare chest, right over his heart. I had recalled my flames back, but I could turn them into a knife made of fire that would pierce right through his heart. “I already told you I’ll never hurt you, Celeste. I’m here to prove that it doesn’t matter what you throw my way, it doesn’t matter if you continue to strive to be good or decide to become the worst of them all. I will step into the light with you or follow you into endless darkness.” He took another step, and the flames slid away from my fingers, licking his skin and making it blister. “I’ve never wanted to shackle you or stand in your way. You are a warrior in your own right and you’ve never needed anyone to save you. All I’m asking is…let me be the place where you rest between your battles. Let me be your home—the one you return to when you’re tired or lonely. Until the day I no longer feel like home.”

Tears blurred my vision and something inside of me melted, even though my flames had grown cold. Roman cupped my face, lifting it up until I had no choice but to meet his brilliant eyes. His smile was a thing of beauty and longing and, in that moment, I didn’t think I could live one more day without it.

“I love you, my darling witch,” he whispered as he leaned closer. “I will love you until the day I watch my final sunrise.” I gasped at his vow, but before I could say anything, his lips pressed against mine. I welcomed his tongue in my mouth, shuddering with delight at the familiar way he wrapped me in his arms and held me to him, at the forgotten desire his fingers awoke as they slid across my back.

I didn’t feel us move, but in a single heartbeat, I was pressed against the rough bark of a tree, my legs wrapped around Roman’s torso. His kisses were relentless, stealing my breath and sanity until the fire building up inside me was almost too much to bear.

“Roman…” I whimpered as he ground himself against me, making my insides pulse with need. His fingers teased the edges of my dress before sliding to my behind.

Roman’s mouth traveled up my throat, his canines grazing the sensitive skin until his lips brushed against mine again. I tried to kiss him, desperate to feel more of him, but he pulled back. I opened my eyes, ready to plead, but the words got stuck in my throat when I noticed the vulnerable look in his eyes.

“Say you won’t run away and I’ll give you anything you desire,” he said, the tremble in his voice betraying the fear that was barely present in his gaze. “Vow to me that you won’t run away again, Celeste.”

I sucked in a deep breath, trying to look away from these mesmerizing eyes but failing miserably. My heart was beating so fast, I was afraid it might jump out of my chest and drop straight into his hands. Afraid that it was already too late for that.

“Yes.” I breathed, not sure if I could count on my voice. “I won’t run.”

Roman studied my face, waiting, searching, until his smile widened. The kiss that followed was more animal than human, the disarming weakness in his presence disappearing in favor of a power that had brought me to my knees in more ways than one.

The wind blowing the hair out of my face was the only indication I got that we were moving. By the time I opened my eyes, he was laying me on a field of flowers, nothing but clear sky and stars above us.

“This is going to be hard and fast and I’m going to drink from right here,” Roman whispered with a voice dripping with promise, his fingers tightening around my throat until my head grew lightheaded. “You understand?”

“Yes.” I gasped, not daring to breathe even as his hand slid down to my chest, his finger stopping on the edge of my dress. With one swift movement, his nail tore through the fabric, baring me completely to him. His eyes darkened with hunger as he stared, a low, impatient sound rising in his throat.

My body came alive with a jolt as he thrust inside, barely giving me a moment to adjust to his size before withdrawing and slamming in again. His hands tightened around me when I tried to move, and he set up a speed that had me arching my back and screaming from the intensity that was threatening to tear me apart. Just when I thought I was finally moving with his rhythm, chasing on that high that made me cling to a lethal vampire, I felt his teeth sink into my neck.

I screamed with pain and pleasure, my blood singing a new melody that grew louder with each mouthful that left my body. I screamed his name again as I reached my climax and the world crumbled. When I came back to my senses, Roman was carrying me through the woods.

He tugged me closer, whispering something in my hair before kissing it, but the only words I caught were ‘love’ and ‘safe’. By the time we reached the house, I had already lost my battle against my eyelids and was quickly relaxing in the only place where I had felt safe before.
