“Let’s try this again,” she purred, releasing my cock only to slide a finger under my briefs. Pulling them down, she let my dick free and the damn thing stood at attention. “Why do you want to kill me?” I clenched my jaw, trying to think of something—anything—that would turn me off, but all my treacherous mind offered was the image of her sliding to her knees between my legs and sucking me dry.
“Go to hell,” I said through gritted teeth.
She tightened her grip around my shaft, and I glared at her beautiful, wicked face. Her all-knowing smile helped me imagine sinking my teeth into her throat and ripping it out.
“Do you hate me, puppy?” she sighed, pumping my cock until I could no longer keep my breathing steady. Her fingers were warm, confident, and entirely committed to driving me insane with their slowness. I preferred to be tortured—cut piece by piece, fed poison, burned with silver. At least I knew my body would reject the pain and hate the experience. But this…this… I hated her even more for making me enjoy this.
“Yes,” I hissed, letting her see just how much I loathed her.
“Good.” She smiled, sliding closer. Panic rushed through my head as she guided my cock to her pussy, sweeping her underwear to the side before pressing the tip to her entrance. She was wet—fuck, she was dripping!—as she slowly, very slowly, took me in.
I closed my eyes, locking my jaw tight in a futile attempt not to think about how warm her insides were, how tight and welcoming. The moment I heard her moan, I almost came undone. Her scent was everywhere, her hands sliding over my chest like she was memorizing every inch of it.
I fucking hated her. I wanted to kill her, torture her, hurt her. I wanted…
She rolled her hips, taking me even deeper, as a low whimper escaped her lips. Pausing to catch her breath, she gave me just enough time to glare before she was moving again. Holding onto my shoulders, she stared at me with a maddeningly pleased expression.
“You are insane,” I said through gritted teeth, but she just chuckled.
“Why? We are both consenting adults and we are both enjoying it.” She shrugged.
“I did not consent to this, witch!” I growled, a shudder passing through my body as she clenched her insides, swallowing my cock again. Damn her, she was moving so slowly. I fucking hated it!
“No, you did not,” she said, and this time there was no amusement in her voice. When I looked at her, her eyes were cold, her expression threatening. She leaned closer, her hips still working me tirelessly, as if my dick couldn’t even affect her thoughts like it did mine. “Just like how I didn’t consent to being stalked, hunted, and killed by people I don’t even know. So tell me, puppy, how does it feel to be the prey for once? Do you hate it? Because I do, I really do!” Her grip on my shoulders tightened, and she increased her speed until both of us were panting. I closed my eyes, trying to keep myself from cumming, when her orgasm ripped through us both.
I wasn’t sure if it was her magic or the intimacy of the gesture, but I almost lost it as she leaned her forehead against my chest and sighed with satisfaction. But then she got up abruptly, leaving me startled and frustrated—still bound helplessly—while I watched her steady herself. She didn’t look at me as she adjusted her underwear, then her dress, running her fingers through her long hair.
Pushing the stall door open, she strode to the sink like I no longer existed, but even as I yanked my hands against her magic, the spell held. I watched her bend over the sink, her ass peeking from the edge of her dress and making my cock throb.
When she was done washing her hands, she pulled a roll of lipstick from her bra, applying a fresh layer, before finally turning to look at me. The taunting smile returned to her face and humiliation fueled my rage anew.
“I will kill you,” I promised her, expecting another scoff.
She caught the edge of the door and leaned on it.
“You are welcome to try, puppy,” she said. “I thought about killing you when I brought you here, but seeing the look on your face, I think you’d prefer that to remembering what it feels like to be inside of me.” I snarled again, opening my mouth to tell her she’d regret it, but she continued before I could say a word. “However, if I catch you following me again, Iwillkill you. I will kill the others you had with you tonight and then, I will keep killing everyone you’ve ever known or loved. Do you understand me, wolf?”
“You already did that!” I snapped before I could stop myself. She raised an eyebrow, studying my face as if she was trying to remember something, then shrugged.
“Well, I have been gone for a while. I’m sure you’ve made friends.” She lifted her hand, and I thought she was raising the lipstick, when I realized she was holding a wallet.Mywallet. Opening it slowly, she pulled out my ID. “Isaac Linwood. 2662 Vucrest Ave, Knoxville.” She tapped the ID against her chin, tossing the wallet to the ground between my feet. “Thanks for the ride, Isaac. I hope I don’t see you again. I hate killing lovers.”
“I’m not your—” I started, but she slammed the stall door in my face, her steps already retreating toward the exit. I fought against her magic, roaring in frustration, but it made no difference. I was just considering tearing my arms off when the spell disintegrated and I was sent tumbling forward. The screams started on the other side of the door just as I was in the middle of bucking my pants.
Chapter 11
Steppingbackintotheclub with its flickering lights and loud music, I was temporarily disoriented. That’s when the first attack came, almost taking my head off.
My magic sensed the killing intent just in time, and I willed my power to wrap me in a ward, the barrier barely hardening fast enough before something slammed into the spell. I stared with wide eyes as a bullet the size of my fist hung in the air beside my head before dropping to the ground with a loud clank. Another bullet collided with my magic, moving a little closer to my face.
The music cut off just as the third shot was fired, the boom of the weapon deafening the screams of the crowd. I threw myself aside right when the last bullet pierced my ward, crashing into the wall by the bathroom door and sinking deep into the concrete.
It had taken more effort than I expected to hold that werewolf in place. Thinking back, I might have been a bit too hasty to figure out who, besides the Order, was trying to kill me. In my defense, feeling helpless wasn’t something I was used to, and on the rare occasions when it did happen, I found it even harder to just run and hide. Still, I should have waited to regain more of my strength. It was too late for that now.
Releasing the spell that held Isaac in that bathroom, I used the extra magic to fortify my ward. I kept to the less exposed areas since if I got stuck in the center of that crowd, I’d be just like a flower up for the picking. Maybe after killing a few civilians, but I was sure they’d consider that acceptable collateral.
My magic flared in warning to my left and I turned just as a man in dark clothes tried to sink a dagger into my skull. The blade slammed against my ward, stopping a foot away from my face, but as I watched his muscles bulge under his T-shirt, I noticed something else.