Page 77 of Fooling the Forward

I get hugs from them all and then I filter into the long line of people leaving the arena. I should’ve left the game early to avoid this mess, but I’m glad I didn’t with how the game came to an end.

I finally make it to my mini van and get on the road as quickly as possible. Because I’m in a rush, the ride to Ryder’s feels like it’s taking longer than usual. When I pull up, Walter is waiting for me.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” I say, running to open the back hatch. I grab the large bags and hurry up the porch stairs. “But at least it was an afternoon game and it’s not dark out.”

He points to the wooden porch swing I had him build for Ryder. “What do you think?”

“It looks amazing. Better than I imagined.” I remove the custom made cushions from the bags and set them out on the swing. The navy material looks sharp against the light stained wood. I give the chains suspending the swing from the ceiling a good yank. “Are you sure this is secure?”

“I’m positive,” he says.

I add a couple of decorative pillows I had made to the swing. One has the Coyotes logo on it and the other says “It’s a GOODE day.”

“We should get the rest of the stuff set out before we run out of time,” Walter reminds me.

“Where is it all?” I ask.

“In the garage.”

We head down the stairs and around to the garage. I drop the empty bags in the recycling bin and start carrying up all the furniture and decorative items I bought for the front porch.

We set out a pair of Adirondack chairs that are stained the same color as the swing. I place a small table between them and set a citronella jar candle on top. Walter helps me spread out a rug near the swing and we add some hearty potted plants.

When we’re done, we step back and take a look. “I think it’s great,” I say. “I hope he likes it.”

“What’s not to like? Up until now he’s been sitting on the stone stairs. All of these seats are an improvement over that,” Walter points out.

“You’re right. I’m going to grab some drinks and snacks for him. Thank you for all your help, Walter. I couldn’t have done it without you.” I step in for a quick hug.

“I’m going to my house to eat the delicious chicken pot pie you made me. That’s all the thanks I need.”

“Wish me luck,” I say.

He waves his hand. “You don’t need it.”

I dash inside to fill a small tin bucket with ice and plunge a few beer bottles inside. I grab the plate of tiropitakia I made this morning after he left and the bucket and bring them out to the porch. The plate goes on the side table and the bucket down on the floor next to one of the chairs.

Headlights shine off in the distance. I bounce on my toes like a little kid waiting to open a gift. I hope he likes what I did. The vehicle is close enough to recognize it’s Ryder’s truck. Descending the stairs, I wait at the bottom for him to travel the rest of the distance. He drives around the island of flowers and plants that we made together. It looks even better than I imagined it would.

He climbs from his truck, aiming a weary smile my way. “Hey, Lis. How’s my girl?”

“I’m better now that you’re home. Great game.”

He closes the door and moves around toward me. He shrugs. “It wasn’t the best, but we started the season with a win, and that’s important.” He pulls me into his arms and moans. “My entire body is sore. The start of the season is always rough.”

“I’ve got a surprise for you that might make you feel better,” I say.

His eyes turn molten. “Please be a blow job.” I laugh and shove his shoulder. “It’s not a blow job?”

I shake my head. “No, not right now anyway.”

“I’m going to hold you to it later.”

“Come with me,” I say, taking his hand. I lead him up the stairs and step out of the way so he can see what we did. “Surprise!”

His eyes dart around from one thing to another as he takes it all in. “You did this for me?”

“Yes. With some help from your dad. He made the swing and hung it up for me.”