Page 55 of Fooling the Forward

“Aren’t you hilarious?”

“I think I am.” She looks pleased with herself.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I’ve already been tested and everything’s A-Okay on that front.”

“Wow, I’m so impressed. How extremely adult of you.”

“Thank you. I have my moments,” I say, treading water.

“If I had any questions as to the validity or the depth of your feelings for Calista, your responsible actions have convinced me more than your words ever could. You love her.”

“I don’t know if it’s love yet. It’s only been a couple of weeks. But it’s something. It’s something special.”

“Listen here, my naive little brother, where is the instruction manual about falling in love?” she asks.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“You said it was too soon to be in love, so I’m wondering where you got your information from. Is there some love rule book I don’t know about? Maybe I should read it. I mean, what if Brandon and I aren’t really in love? We’ve only been together for seven years.” She rolls her eyes, openly mocking me.

I make sure the kids aren’t looking our way before I flip her the bird. “What’s wrong with me wanting to be sure before I label what I feel for Calista? I have zero experience when it comes to relationships. The closest I’ve come is a friends with benefits situation in college.”

“Why are you so emotionally stunted anyway?” she asks.

“I’m not stunted at all,” I defend, bracing my arms on the edge of the pool.

She pats me on the back. “Is it because Mom died? Are you afraid to admit you love her because you might lose her?” she asks.

I search her face for a hint of amusement. A flicker of her being disingenuous. But all I find is genuine concern.

“Alice, I promise I never have, nor am I, purposely closing myself off from love. Not because of Mom or for any other reason. I’ve just never met anyone who’s made me feel the way Calista does. I don’t know. Maybe it’s a matter of the timing finally being right.”

“Good. I know I give you a hard time, but you know it’s my love language, right?” she asks.

“I know you love me, sis. How could you not? I’m awesome.” I grin.

She splashes water in my face, making me sputter, then laughs at me.

“I guess I asked for that,” I say, shaking the water from my face. Bracing my hands on the edge of the pool, I propel myself from the water. “I’m going to check on Calista and see if she needs any help.” I grab a towel from one of the chaises and give my arms and legs a cursory swipe, then wrap the terry cloth around my waist.

Alice starts humming “Let’s Get it On”as I walk inside.

I pad into the kitchen on silent bare feet. “Hey, beautiful.”

She spins around with a hand on her chest. “You surprised me.”

I continue moving closer “What are you making?”

“Chicken and beef kabobs.”

She’s using a special pan to grill them on the stovetop.

“We could’ve cooked these on the patio. I would’ve fired up the grill for you.”

She releases a scoffing sound. “I don’t need you to fire up anything for me. I’m a professional, remember?”

“Sorry. I was trying to be chivalrous, not insulting. I know you’re more than capable on your own. I just feel like I never get to help you with anything, while you’re always doing things for me.”

“Did you forget you pay me to do these things?”