Page 31 of Fooling the Forward

“I see that as a positive,” Lucy says.

I roll my eyes. “Thanks a lot.”

“What? You have to admit your taste hasn’t panned out for you so far.”

I can’t argue with that. She’s one hundred percent right.

I nod. “I know it hasn’t.”

“Isn’t the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results?” she asks.

“Sounds about right.”

“Why not try something new? Or should I saysomeonenew?” She slaps my knee.

I laugh. “I wish I could.”

“Why can’t you? You’re an adult. Who’s going to stop you?”

“Me, myself, and I. My conscience is a pain in the ass.”

“Tell it to shut the fuck up.”

“Even if I went for it, I’m not sure Ryder would be on board. He seemed set on not crossing any lines. He told me if Darius wasn’t my brother he’d have been kissing me already.”

“Oh damn.” She fans her face. “That’s hot.”

“Yeah, tell me about it.” I picture how he looked in that moment and it makes my insides turn to goo.

“Maybe you’ll get another chance to see him,” she says.

“I’ll see him at the wedding. He’s one of the groomsmen.”

“That means he’ll be at rehearsal dinner too.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “That gives you two opportunities to make something happen. If you chicken out the first night, there’s always after the wedding. And didn’t you tell me you’re all staying at some hotel that weekend?”

“Yeah. The wedding takes place on the grounds too.”

Lucy’s blue eyes show her mischievous thoughts before she voices them. “At the very least, you need to have sex with this guy, so we know if hockey players are as hot as we think they are.”

“Soweknow?” I laugh.

“Yes. I mean, strictly for research purposes, of course,” she says, looking like the picture of innocence.

“Of course,” I deadpan.

“Seriously, though, the wedding weekend is the perfect time for you to have some fun. It can be a temporary thing and no one else would even know.”

My heart rate revs up at the idea of spending a night with him. What kind of lover would he be? Gentle? Rough? Or somewhere in between? Just how many orgasms could he give me in one night?

“You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?” Lucy interrupts.

“It’s difficult not to. He seems too good to be true, though.”

“There’s only one way to find out if he is or not. I think you know what you need to do. And afterward I want a full report.” She grins.

I slowly tick my head from side to side. “I don’t know if I have it in me.”

“Isn’t that the goal?” she sputters.