Page 24 of A Dangerous Game

“Have I gotten you wrapped around my finger already, Judas?” she teases.

I lean my forehead against hers and relax on top of her, giving her all my weight. She’s so soft and warm.

“Yeah, baby,” I admit, nuzzling my nose against hers. She laughs when my beard tickles her chin. “You have.”

Raine wraps her legs around my waist, a silent invitation to sink deep inside her. I pull my pants down just enough to release my cock and slowly enter her tight, wet hole. She gasps and arches her back, pressing her breasts into my chest deliciously, but I don’t stop until I’m fully seated inside of her.

I kiss her again, giving her enough time to adjust to me before rocking my hips into her. The moan she releases is the sweetest sound I’ve heard in a long time.

She presses her feet into my ass as I fuck her so hard the entire bed moves. I’m sure Micah can hear us next door, and while I don’t want to disturb him, I can’t control myself where Raine is concerned; she brings out the wild animal inside me.

“Fuck me harder, Daddy,” she begs breathlessly, heavy tits bouncing with every thrust.

Anything for you, baby.

I piston my hips harder until her head is almost hitting the headboard. Her breathy, gasping moans fill the room and make me go fucking feral. I slide my hands underneath the pillows and grip the edge of the mattress to give myself some purchase as I fuck her as hard as I can. My tongue glides over the still sensitive etchings on her chest, making her shiver.

Her pussy clenches my cock hard as she nears her orgasm, and I roar as mine comes first. My hot seed completely fills heruntil I can feel it dripping out from around my dick. When she comes, she tips her head back and cries out in pleasure.

I nuzzle my face into her neck and pump my hips until we’re both completely spent. I lay on top of her and try to catch my breath.

“Okay. I think I’ve officially had enough sex tonight,” she says with a chuckle.

I give her one last kiss before rolling onto my back. She snuggles against me, and in seconds, we pass out.

Chapter 23


Bright sunlight filtersin through the open window, chirping birds trill their songs as they fly from tree to tree, and the smell of sizzling bacon makes me sit up in bed.

Judas is gone, but there is a towel, washcloth, and a small stack of clothes sitting on his side of the bed. I grab it and go into the bathroom to quickly shower and get dressed before heading downstairs for breakfast. I’m fuckingstarving.

I don’t know what came over me yesterday, but I found myself craving Judas and Micah just as much as they’ve been craving me. When they brought me down to dinner last night, I should have tried to fight, but I was so tired and hungry that all I could think about was getting some more food into my body to keep my strength.

Maybe I should have tried to kill Judas while he slept, but then I would have had to deal with Micah, too, and I don’t think I would have had the strength for that.

But, if I’m being honest, a part of me almost doesn’t want to leave this tiny little island. Why would I when I have two men who don’t want to do anything else but worship my body? I would be crazy to leave.

As I walk down the hall, my attention once again snags on that one odd door. What the hell is behind it? I want so badly to ask them, but I don’t want to anger them. The three of us seem to be in a comfortable rhythm right now, and I don’t want to mess that up.

Maybe if I go into one of their rooms, I can find a key. But am I really willing to risk that? I feel like I’ve just gotten to a place where they aren’t getting mad at me over every little thing, and I don’t want to ruin that.

I stand outside the door for what feels like forever before I decide to go back to Judas’s room to look for a key. I remember seeing his carabiner when I first came here, but I have no idea where he keeps it.

After looking around for a bit, I finally find the keys tucked in the back of his desk drawer. I leave the room again and tiptoe back down the hall to the room. All the keys look similar, but there’s one that sticks out like a sore thumb—a plain silver skeleton key with one big tooth at the end of its long neck.

My heart races with anticipation as I insert it into the lock. When I turn the knob, the keys nearly slip from my hand to the floor.

Inside the room are walls lined with shelves, and on those shelves are tall jars with some kind of indistinguishable object inside.

What the hell is all this?

Tentatively, I step into the room and look around. It’s pretty sparse except for the shelves. I walk over to the first one and pick up a jar to get a closer look. It looks like there’s an organ inside.

They’re hunters, so it doesn’t necessarily surprise me to see animal hearts in here, but… Why the fuck are they keeping animal hearts in their house?

I lift the jar up higher towards the light of the sun to get a better look, but I see something on the bottom that catches my attention.