Page 22 of A Dangerous Game

I heard a crash from somewhere off to my left, so I started crawling like hell to get out of here. The smoke was so cloying that it burned my eyes; I could barely see where I was going. The heat from the flames burned me as I made my way towards the stairs.

Glass shattered from somewhere in the house.

“Hello?” I yelled.

“Judas?” an unfamiliar voice called. “Judas—where are you?"

I didn’t even care who it was. I just wanted them to help get me the hell out of there.

Down the hall, my parents’ bedroom door flew open to reveal two firefighters. I laid my forehead on the floor and exhaled deeply.

I guess I’m not dying tonight.

They made their way down the hall towards me, and I started crawling to them, but suddenly, the ceiling caved in and came crashing down on top of me. I screamed as I was immediately set ablaze. One of my biggest fears was being burned alive, and now it seemed like I was about to meet that very fate.

“I wasfifteen when that happened. Ever since then, I’ve had an intense fear of fire.”

Raine rests her chin on her arm. “So that’s why you’re sitting all the way over there?”

I nod. “I chose to keep my scars because they’re a reminder that I made it out. That Isurvived.” I look down at my hands. “I know it’s ridiculous…”

She shakes her head and furrows her brows. “It’s not ridiculous at all. If anyone understands fear of the elements, it’s me.”

I chuckle. “Micah told me you’re afraid of water.”

“Yeah. I always think I’m going to conquer my fear, but when I’m standing in front of a body of water, I lose it.”

Raine turns to Micah. “What about you? What are you afraid of?”

Micah leans back on the couch and puts his hands behind his head with a cocky grin on his face. “I’m not afraid of anything, little doe.”

“Everyone’s afraid ofsomething.”

“Not me,” Micah said, shrugging.

Raine snorts. “We’ll see about that.”

“You don’t believe me?”

She shakes her head, causing her curls to bounce around. “Nope. I’ll find something.”

He chuckles. “Good luck with that.”

We sit in silence again. I jolt a little when the fire crackles, and when Raine gives me a comforting smile, I relax a bit.

“Can I ask you both a question?”

“You’ve been doing that the whole time you’ve been here,” Micah grumbles as he runs a hand over his face.

Raine shoots him a look. “How old are you?”

“I was hoping you wouldn’t want to know,” I say. “I’m forty-five.”

Her eyes widen in genuine shock. “You’re lying.”

Laughing, I lean forward so my elbows rest on my knees. “Why would I lie about being almost fifty?”

She chews on her bottom lip for a moment, causing my blood to rush straight to my cock.