Page 3 of A Dangerous Game

She rubs her scalp and pulls her hood back up. “No one. It’s nothing. I just fell, is all.”

I take the hood off again. “I’ve never seen someone bruise their eye from falling.”

She suddenly gets angry and smacks my hand away from her. “Why is this any of your business?”

“It became my business when you accepted the ride, little doe.” My hand itches to reach up and twirl a curl of her hair around my finger, but I suppress the urge.

She unbuckles her seatbelt and reaches back to grab her suitcase. “If this is a condition for getting a ride from you, then I’ll take my chances in this weather.”

“Don’t be an idiot,” I growl as I grip her arm and turn her back around. She looks at me with those eyes, andfuck—what I wouldn’t give to see them dripping with tears as she sucks me off.

She wipes at her face angrily and puts her seatbelt back on. “There’s a women’s shelter up the road. Can you just take me there?”

I ignore her and start driving again.

She continues, “I don’t have any money right now, but if you give me your number, I can send you the money when I get it.”

When I still don’t say anything, she just puts her hood back on and leans her head against the window. We ride in silence for so long that I begin to grow antsy, so I turn the radio up.

Five minutes later, Raine pops her head up and looks out the window.

“I think it’s right here,” she says, trying to see through the heavy rain. I just turn the music up louder. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her turn to look at me. “Micah? Did you hear me?”

“I heard you, Raine.”

And I’m not letting you go.

Chapter 4


Fear spreadsthrough me like ice, and I quickly realize I’ve made a terrible mistake.

I turn back around in the chair and look out the windshield, tears burning my eyes. “Why aren’t you stopping?” I whisper.

He doesn’t answer. I wasn’t expecting him to, but it would have been better to at least get an answer as to why he’s kidnapping me.

Micah starts tapping his fingers to the tune of the song on the steering wheel and starts humming along.

Crazy—he’s literally fucking insane.

Up ahead, the light turns red, and I slowly inch one hand towards the door handle. When we come to a stop at the intersection, I unbuckle the seatbelt and pull the handle at the same time.

The one second of relief I feel is quickly diminished when the door doesn’t budge. I look over at Micah to see his reaction, but he just runs a hand over his short beard and checks his phone, as if he’s completely oblivious to what I’m doing.

“Let me out,” I demand through gritted teeth.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, little doe.” He puts his phone back into his jacket pocket.

“Stop calling me that and let me out!” I slam my shoulder into the door to try to open it but only succeed in nearly breaking it. When I jam my finger on the button to roll the window down, nothing happens.

My heart is racing so fast I feel like I’ll pass out. How could I have been so stupid? I was so desperate for help that I was willing to put myself in danger, and now look at where it’s gotten me.

When the light turns green, Micah floors it. We’re going at least sixty in a thirty-five area, and the truck slides around dangerously on the wet pavement. I grip the door handle to brace myself, silently praying that we crash and burn before he has a chance to hurt me.

“Wake up, little doe.”

I jerk awake at the sound of Micah’s gentle tone. The rain isn’t as heavy as before, but it’s still hard to see out the windows. I can make out that we’re no longer in the city, though, because all I see is a wall of trees on either side of us and a dark road that probably stretches on for miles in both directions.