Page 16 of A Dangerous Game

No, they aren’t going to do any of those things. Judas said something about a game, which means they plan on inflicting some kind of pain or psychological torture. It’s killing me to not know what exactly they plan on doing. I want to ask, but Judas’s mood has changed; he seems like a completely different person.

Luckily, it’s not raining anymore as we walk out of the garage and into the darkness of the night. I wince as I step on twigs and sharp rocks, and my socks quickly get soaked from the wet ground.

Assholes could have at least given me some shoes,I think bitterly, shooting daggers at Judas’s back.

At first, I think he’s pulling me towards the boat, but when we start walking around the house to the back, I tug against Judas’s grip.

In the moonlight, I can see a long wooden bridge that runs from behind the lake house to the dark woods beyond. I can just barely make out the outline of looming mountains behind the veil of thick, heavy fog. Judas pushes me to the ground, right in front of the bridge. I cry out when my hand lands on a big, sharp rock and cuts into my skin. Blood instantly starts to ooze out of the small wound.

Rage is a burning inferno inside me as I stand up. If they want to kill me, why won’t they just do it already? It’s preferable to the treatment I’ve been getting so far.

“You fucking monsters.” Without thinking, I smack Judas right in the face with my bloody hand. I know I should make a break for it, but the calmness with which he wipes the red from his cheek stops me in my tracks. When he looks at me, I expect to see the darkness of his angry eyes, but I’m greeted with something like fascination.

And when he sticks his finger in his mouth and licks my blood away, I feel my mouth dry up.

“You have five minutes to run, Raine,” he says, eyes now bright with amusement.

“Or what?” I challenge, voice shaking.

His cocky smirk turns into a feral grin that makes me weak in the knees.

“Or we’ll show you the kind of monsters we can be.”

Chapter 17


Five minutes.

I only have five minutes until they come after me and do God knows what to me.

My chest constricts painfully the harder I push myself to run. When I look over my shoulder, Judas and Micah are gone. Probably back to the garage to get the weapons.

Shit, shit,shit.

This isn’t fucking fair. Why do horrible things always happen to good people? I don’t deserve to be going through this right now. I should be finding a place to live, a place to start fresh and heal from the trauma of the past seven years. I wanted to go to college and make something of myself, but now I’m here on this long stretch of a bridge, running for my life.

Has it been five minutes yet? I feel like I’ve been running forever. Why is this part of the forest so much farther away from the lake house than the other? And why do they have this bridge? Do they go to this part of the forest often? Do they do this with all their victims?

I stop and lean against the railing of the bridge to catch my breath. For some reason, my mind wanders to that one room with the rounded door. Do they have someone else in that room?

If there’s someone else in that house, we have to help each other get out.

“What are you waiting for, little doe?” an amused voice calls from behind me.

I whip around to see Micah and Judas making their way down the bridge at a leisurely pace, like the cocky bastards they are.

No. I’m not going out like this. If I can hide out in the woods for long enough, I can maybe find a way to the road and get help—and that’s only if I don’t get caught in another storm and freeze to death.

Taking one last heaving breath, I sprint the rest of the distance off the bridge. When I look back, Judas and Micah are still taking their time getting to me with the biggest shit-eating grins on their faces.

I turn around and run, not thinking about anything else but freedom. My socks snag on the ground, but I don’t let it deter me. I run and jump over fallen trees, roots, and large rocks in my haste to get somewhere safe.

Somewhere in the distance, a wolf howls. I don’t know which is preferable: falling prey to a wild animal or finding my demise at the hands of the two psychos chasing me.

I turn around to see how far away they are, and I’m shocked to see how close they’ve gotten. Micah tips his head back and howls, and I realize with dread that it wasn’t a wolf I just heard, buthim.

What the actual fuck? He’s insane.