Page 4 of A Dangerous Game

Micah twists a strand of my hair around one of his fingers, and it takes everything in me not to recoil.

“Where are we?” I ask, sitting up further in the seat.

He drops the curl and pulls my hood further over my head. “We’re almost home.”

I shake my head. “No. My home isn’t with you.”

For some reason, that statement seems to upset him. His dark brown brows furrow in anger.

I shield my face when he raises a hand, but when the blow never comes, I peek at him from between my fingers. He’slooking at me with a peculiar expression, a cross between disgust and rage. His hand is hovering under the light, poised to turn it on.

“Thought you said you fell,” Micah says darkly as he reaches into the backseat and grabs my suitcase. When he pulls it to the front, he sets it in his lap and pins me in place with a dark look. He seems to be waiting for me to respond.

I swallow the lump in my throat and raise my chin defiantly. “It’s none of your fucking business.”

He’s silent for a moment, and after some time, the corner of his mouth lifts in a devilish grin that sends shivers down my spine.

“I’ll enjoy fucking that sass right out of you.”

My heart drops into my stomach. “You wouldn’t.”

Once again, he doesn’t say anything, and that sinister fucking smile lets me know that he’s completely serious.

He reaches out to try and touch my hair again, but I snap my teeth at his fingers. His evil chuckles send shivers down my spine.

I would rather die than let him get his hands on me. I’ll put up as much of a fight as I can in order to get out of here.

Chapter 5


Raine kicksand screams as I drag her out of the truck and into the darkness of the night. Luckily, her suitcase is small and light because I need to use all of my strength to keep her from running off.

“Stop,” I grunt over the noise of the rain, but she ignores me. When her nails dig into my forearm, I lose any bit of patience I had left. Why didn’t I grab the fucking gun first?

Throwing her to the ground, I grip the back of her neck and force her to look at me. With my other hand, I pull the firearm from the pocket inside my jacket and hold it to her temple.


Her chest heaves as she tries to catch her breath. She looks like she wants to say something, but then she bites her lip to keep quiet.

“Good girl,” I murmur. “So youcanfollow directions. Now I want you to stand up and walk. If I have to drag you, I’m doing it by your hair.”

Defeated, Raine pushes herself to her feet unsteadily and walks along the path I’ve marked. There are no distinguishable areas in this forest, so I have to mark a path every few days from the boat to the road.

Pressing the gun into her back, I can sense that Raine wants to turn and run, but she thinks better of it. It would be stupid of her to try to leave when she has no idea where she is. I didn’t miss the alarm in her eyes when she woke up; I could practically hear her heart thudding in her chest.

“Where are we going?” she asks for the second time in the ten minutes we’ve been walking. It’s a bit of a trek, and it’s made more difficult by the rain.

“We’re almost there,” I respond shortly.

Finally, we reach the small motorboat docked at the edge of the lake. Raine stops so suddenly that I think she’s about to make a run for it, but then I see the sheer terror on her face.

“What is it?” I ask cautiously. I set the suitcase in the boat and brace myself to run after her.

But instead of running, she shakes her head and starts backing up. “No. Please.”

The desperation in her voice softens me a bit. What the hell happened to her?