“And look at me now. A chip off the old block,” Jared calls back lightly as he takes Layla back to the dining room.
Marcus sighs. “We should probably get back in there.”
“On the bright side, Joey’s annoying new girlfriend will give your mom someone to dislike more than me today. Who knows? With that reminder of how things could have gone, maybe she’ll appreciate me more. I may be able to move up in her esteem,” I say, somewhat playfully. “Do you think I could earn the spot of her second favorite daughter-in-law?”
“Why stop there?” he asks lightly. “Shove Julia out of the way and go for first.”
“Hey, I love Julia,” I say, leaning into my husband to give him a light shove. Even before Marcus shifted his brothers’ opinions about me with his filthy, twisted methods, Julia was always nice to me. And that she still is makes me even more protective of her.
“Fine, maybe you cantiefor first,” he allows.
I nod approvingly.
“But I can get you the top spot for yourself if you really want it,” he offers.
I shake my head. “No, thank you.”
He has offered to intervene on my behalf and coax his mom into liking me more before, but while I love knowing I always have his love and support, it feels a little like cheating to use his powers to sway her.
I want toearnher approval, just like I felt compelled to earn his.
The thought of having to earn my husband’s approval ignites a warmth in my belly and causes arousal to pool between my thighs.
“Wait,” I say, slowing my steps as we near the dining room.
He knows that my pregnancy hormones have made my moods unpredictable, but they’ve made my already insatiable appetite for him unpredictable, too.
I look over at him, and he can see the yearning in my eyes.
He smirks. “I’ll tell them to start without us.”
I try not to be embarrassed as he ducks into the dining room without me, but thankfully, he doesn’t leave me here alone for long.
He grabs me around the waist when he comes back, claiming my lips in a searing kiss as he walks me backward all the way to the guest bathroom nearest the dining room.
He pins me to the door and squeezes my tit, and my tummy thrills as his rough mouth finds my neck.
“Does knowing that pregnancy apparently makes me a nymphomaniac make you more eager to put a bunch of babies in me?” I tease.
His laughter is smothered against my well-kissed skin. “Yeah, because you weren’t hungry for your husband’s cockbeforeyou got pregnant.”
“Hey,” I say, lightly shoving at him. “You got me pregnant immediately, so how would you even know?” I mutter.
“I know everything about you,” he murmurs.
I sigh with pleasure because it’s true.
He knows and loves every single piece of me—even the dirty bits I’ve always felt the need to hide from everyone else. There’sno hiding from him. He won’t let me. He’s too greedy, too insistent on possessing every inch of my soul.
And I give it to him gladly.
I know it’s in good hands.
It’s intoxicating to be not only loved but accepted for every single thing I am. Appreciated for it.Cravedbecause of it.
I’m addicted to him, but it’s all his fault.
He’s too wonderful.