I don’t know how Landon will feel about me going into his room when he’s not home, but I don’t say that. I knowI’mnot super comfortable with it, but that’s mostly because I feel like I’m going where I shouldn’t be, and I’ll be paranoid about him showing up while I’m in there and trapping me.
I know he won’t, though.
Hayden is downstairs, and if Landon does show up at the house, I’m sure Hayden will deal with it.
Landon’s door is closed, of course. When I push it open, all the scents I associate with him waft my way.
It’s dark outside now, so the only light in this space is from the moon. Landon doesn’t have an ocean view like I do. That strikes me as surprising.
I don’t turn the light on right away.
I probably should. I have no idea if Landon is tidy or more of a slob, but I imagine there are piles of things I could trip over on my way to the window.
Since I’m here, I can’t resist looking out and seeing what he sees.
My stomach drops when I get to the window and immediately realize he has a perfect view of the pool. The lights were off when I looked so I assumed he was asleep, but the lights are off now, and I couldn’t ask for a clearer view of me slicing through the water.
That’s not great.
I guess I’ll never be able to take another late-night swim again in my life.
Realizing I wore a bikini because I thought no one was watching makes me feel even more embarrassed about it.
Sighing, I cross the room more quickly than I made my way to the window and flick on the light.
I’m a little surprised by what I see. I guess I expected Landon’s space to be chaotic like he is, but his bedroom is sleek and modern with high ceilings (like the rest of the house) and an entire wall of windows behind the bed.
His bed is huge, too. Maybe it’s only king-sized to fill the enormous space, but it looks cozy with six pillows lined up against the headboard, a perfectly made bed with the comforter turned down, and a fuzzy blanket laid across the bottom in case he wanted something a bit cozier.
Hayden mentioned a housekeeper comes twice a week, so I guess she must have been here this morning.
There’s a nightstand by his bed, and a couple of chairs in the room. On impulse, I sit on the long black chaise lounge in the corner by the windows so I can see the view from there.
Yep, a prime pool-stalking location.
If Hannah does move into the pool house, I’ll have to warn her about Landon’s view. Not that he’s ever been remotely interested in Hannah or I think he would deliberately creep on her, but I know firsthand it can feel like you have privacy out there, and it turns out you really don’t.
I don’t think he’d have a very good view from the bed at any natural angle given the height of the headboard, so I figure he must have been on the chaise lounge when he was watching me.
Curiosity satisfied, I head for his closet and grab the weekend duffle Hayden mentioned. I put it down on the black chair close to his bed, then I try to orient myself a bit.
Where are his clothes?
I don’t see a dresser. There’s a bookshelf against the wall that he does not use for books, and a desk and chair where his laptop is plugged in.
I open the door at the far end of the room and flick on a light.
This is his bathroom.
It’s massive, with a walk-in shower on the left side that spans most of the room. At the end, behind the shower, there’s a linen closet. On the right side of the room, a long black marble countertop with a sink. Behind that, the toilet has its own separate room.
My bathroom is nice, but this bathroom is insane.
It feels like an invasion of his privacy to be in here, but I remind myself Hayden sent me up and get to collecting the items I expect him to need if he’s going away for a couple of days.