Page 24 of Contempt

After a delicious meal and enjoyable company, Hayden tells the waitress we’re ready for our bill. I consumed three glasses of the sunset lemonade since we wasted so much time waiting for Landon, so I tell them I need to pee again before we leave.

The bathrooms are past the front lobby, but as I’m on my way through, my gaze catches on something that demands a double take.


I was sure he’d left, but I know what the back of his head looks like. As my brain catches up with the familiar sight of his clothing, I veer left without a clear plan.

“Hey,” I call out.

His steps slow, and he glances back at me over his shoulder.

I look past him at the valet stand. It seems like that’s where he was heading, so a wave of trepidation washes over me.

“I thought you left.”

Landon spins around to face me, but while his steps slow to a crawl, he doesn’t entirely stop.

What is he doing?

I don’t know, but I don’t believe any good can come out of it, so I speed up to close the distance between us more efficiently. “What are you doing out here?”

He gestures toward the valet station, in the same direction he’s still moving. “Got some business to take care of.”


He smirks. “What? Afraid I’ll hurt your boyfriend’s feelings, or is it his pretty face you’re worried about?”

I roll my eyes, but the verification of what I didn’t want to admit I thought—that he was going to talk to Javi—injects sheer alarm into my bloodstream. Without proper care or thought, I reach out and grab the fabric of his T-shirt, using it to pull him back in my direction.

“You’re not going to harass the valet.”

“Sure I am.” He says it almost congenially, and that’s when my brain registers the sheen in his eyes, the odd aura of playfulness despite him being in the process of doing an asshole thing.

“You’ve been drinking,” I say flatly.

He holds up his thumb and forefinger with a small space between them. “Little bit.” He sways forward, but not because the alcohol has made him unsteady on his feet; he loops an arm around my waist and tugs me against his hard, muscled body.

My heart drops clear out of my body. “Landon,” I say, instinctively pushing at him to create some distance between us. It doesn’t work, though. His arm is a steel band capable of holding more resistance than I’m physically capable of.

He angles his head and leans close to my neck, then his voice sends shivers everywhere when he murmurs lowly, “You smell good.”

My stomach does several somersaults. “Your dad is going to kick your ass. We need to get you out of here.”

“Aw, you don’t want me to get in trouble? Thought you hated me.”

Sighing, I keep a hand pushing against his chest to keep him on track. “Give me your phone.”

He can’t grab his phone and my ass at the same time, so I do not get the phone.

“Is everything okay over there?”

My blood freezes in my veins before promptly turning into steam and evaporating when my skin heats to what must be one thousand degrees.

I peek past Landon’s broad shoulders and see Javi coming toward us, his dark brow furrowed with concern.

“Fine! Everything’s fine,” I call out. Then, to Landon, “Get your damn phone out.”

“It’s in my pocket. If you want it, help yourself.”