“I don’t have to dream. I have a plan, and it’s already in motion.”
“Keep telling yourself that.”
“Since you’re so sure I won’t succeed, why don’t we make it interesting?” Arden suggests, steepling his hands on the table.
Malek’s eyebrows rise in challenge. “What’d you have in mind?”
“Before the end of the year, I’m going to complete Dare’s hit list. Anae’s a given, I’m already working on that, but I’ll do what he couldn’t. I’m going to fuck her virginal little stepsister, too.”
Unease causes my shoulders to tense. “I don’t fucking like this.”
Malek’s gaze is locked with Arden’s. He leans forward, his eyes glittering with anticipation. “Name your stakes, pretty boy.”
“When I succeed, you have togiveme the Aperta. If I fail, I’ll buy it from you for double its value.”
Malek considers his offer. He’s been taunting Arden with that fucking car since he got it. Under normal circumstances, Malek would be happy to sell it, but since Ardencanbe such an asshole, he’s held off on selling it tohim.
Malek doesn’t need the money, but he hates the fucking car and he’d rather buy something else. If Arden could find one, he’d probably buy his own Aperta just to spite him, but it’s a very limited-edition Ferrari, and frankly, there haven’t been any on the market.
“You’re going to pay me six million dollars for that fucking car?” Malek asks, eyebrows raised.
“IfI lose.”
Malek smirks. “Done.”
I stand, grabbing my tray as they reach across the table to shake on it.
Malek’s gaze shifts to me as he drops Arden’s hand. “Where the hell are you going?”
“To sit with Parker. I can’t be a party to this bullshit.” Looking back at them, I warn them, “If anyone ever finds out about this stupid fucking bet, I was not here. Anyone who says otherwise can count on a fucking fight.”
After a long ass day at school, all I want to do is relax at home with Parker.
Actually, I can’t wait to peel off that fucking panda sweater and feast on her pretty little tits, but we have to wait for the parents to leave before I can do that.
Halloween is a whole thing at Baymont High. There are two full nights of events. Tonight is Fright Night, a fancy fundraising thing Baymont parents attend to raise money for the school. The venue changes annually, but tonight, they’re hosting it on the Prince family’s superyacht.
Tomorrow night is Fright Fest, this lame fucking thing the school puts on for the students. Parker has been helping plan it so I have to go this year, but usually I skip it and hit up Arden’s party afterward.
After the bullshit he pulled today, I don’t know if I even want to go this year. Parker’s not much for parties, anyway. Maybe I’ll entice her to stay in by suggesting she invite Hannah over to our place after Fright Fest. We can watch scary movies in the media room instead. That way, I can also make sure Hannah doesn’t wind up there without really getting involved.
I don’t think Hannah would go for Arden, honestly, but I know the guy, and I know once he has his sights set on something, he finds a way to get it.
“Hayden, I can’t find my purse.”
Gemma’s tone is anxious as she glides through the living room with the grace of a dancer, her long off-white gown fanning out a bit as she turns on a dime.
I think Gemma’s always a little anxious, but I haven’t seen herthistightly wound in a few weeks.
When she first discovered I was sleeping with her daughter, she was anxious and uncomfortable every time I was near her.
I get it. I’ve been a problem in Parker’s life for a long time, and even as a romantic interest, I’m hardly known as a guy who sticks around. I understood her skepticism, and I understood from what Parker told me that Gemma probably had a sensitivity about it, anyway, because of Parker’s dad blowing up their family and making Gemma a single mom. If I had to guess, it lurks at the back of her mind that I’m exactly the kind of guy who would do the same thing to her daughter.
She’s wrong, but I would have let her be wrong about me. Doesn’t matter much what people think as long as Parker knows.
It was upsetting Parker, though, so one day I caught Gemma out by the pool alone when she was waiting for my dad to get off work and sat down with her.