Page 177 of Contempt

I’ve been so busy with my life blowing up, I haven’t even had time to loop Hannah in on what’s been happening.

Looking over at Landon sitting next to me, looking sexy as all hell in his workout clothes, I show him the phone. “What’s she talking about? What muffins?”

He glances at the screen initially, but then he stops when I ask the second question. “I smashed them.”

My eyes widen. “You had Hannah muffins in your possession and yousmashedthem?”

Unapologetically, he says, “Like I’m the motherfucking Hulk. It was right after you told ‘Javi’ you’d meet him on the beach. I was mad.”

“How dare you.”

He shrugs. “At least I didn’t smash ’em against your tits this time.”

“I mean, that would have been more enjoyable. Then you could have licked me clean.”

He smirks. “Tell her to make more. I’ll pay her double.”

That makes me snicker as I text her back. “She charged you?”

“Damn right she charged me.”

“That’s hilarious. Hannah never asks people to pay for her baked goods.”

“What can I say? She must really like me.”

A moment later, Hannah texts back. “Sure did. Gave him the bad boyfriend discount. I’ll make more and give them to you directly.”

“Thank you, my beautiful muffin making angel.”

“Why do you do that?” Landon asks.

I look over, surprised to see him reading my texts. “That’s shady. Do what?”

“Flirt with her.”

My eyes widen slightly. “I don’tflirtwith her. We’re friends. When girls are friends, they say nice things to each other. It’s basically the opposite of boy friendship.”

He rolls his eyes. “All I’m saying is you’ve never calledmeyour beautiful muffin making angel.”

“You’ve never made me muffinsorbeen an angel. And I tell you how hot you are all the time.” I put the phone down and pick my spoon back up. “Besides, Hannah lives with people who do their best to tear her down at every turn. As her friend, I consider it my responsibility to give her little boosts to make sure she never forgets they’re pieces of shit and she’s amazing.”

“She should move out.”

I nod my agreement. “I’ve been running a campaign to get her to move into the pool house, but I haven’t had much success. I know it’s Hannah, and she’s not one to get off the ship she’s emotionally attached to even if she knows it’s sinking, but I really think that house is more of a noose around her neck than anything at this point.”

His eyebrows rise. “I didn’t mean here. Why don’t you let her move into your old house instead? Not like we need to sell it. I think Dad already paid it off, so as long as she paid the utilities… frankly, I’d be willing to pay them for her if it keeps her out of my pool house.”

“Hey,” I say, shooting him a dirty look.

“She’ll take up too much of your time if she lives here. You know I’m a greedy bastard.”

“But think of all the fun movie nights we could have.”

“I would rather have more time alone to fuck you,” he states.

“Well, that’s nice to walk in on.”

I light up with a mix of horror and humiliation when I turn to see Hayden striding in, dressed for work with a briefcase in hand.