Page 170 of Contempt

He shrugs his broad shoulders with his arms crossed over his chest. “Had to be done.”

“No, it most certainly did not have to be done,” I state, glaring at him.

“Yeah, it did. You were only worried about your mom’s relationship. I’m worried about being able to legitimize ours. It’s impossible until they know. Maybe they’ll struggle and be uncomfortable for a time, but they’ll just have to get the fuck over it and then we can all move on with our lives.”

Eyes wide, I turn to face him. “You think so, Landon? Because I think it’s more likely they’re going to break up, and it will be all our fault.”

He shakes his head dismissively. “My dad won’t let that happen. The guy’s a lawyer, he makes arguments for a fucking living. He’s been training his whole life for this. He’ll find a way.”

I shake my head. “You don’t know my mom.”

“And if you think a little thing like her waning interest is going to stop him from marrying her, you don’t know my dad,” he states.

I look back at him. “Is that supposed to be comforting?”

“It is. Did I do it wrong?”

I roll my eyes at him and sigh, sinking back into the couch cushions.

At the end of the day, I’m taking the blame for this.

I should have known better.

I knew Landon was crazy, I just never thought in one hundred million years he would respond to me agreeing to meet Fake Javi for a bonfire by blowing up all our lives in such grand fashion.

My bad.

I should have seen it coming.

In hindsight, it makes perfect sense.

He isthe worst.

I’m irritated when he gets out his phone. “Oh, I’m sorry. Is the complete destruction of our lives not interesting enough for you? Gotta check the socials to keep your attention?”

He shakes his head, swiping the screen. “I’m not checking my fucking socials. I wanted to show you something.” Then, he hands over his phone.

My eyes widen because it’s a video and the still is Brittany’s face. “What is this?” I ask warily.

Since I didn’t do it, he reaches over and presses play.

She looks like an abandoned puppy filming a “have a nice life” video for the assholes leaving her on the curb.

“Hey, Parker. I should have known,” she says with an uneasy smile. “Anyway, Landon wasn’t with me yesterday. I was just having a bad day and listening to some music at the beach by myself. He wasn’t with me, though. He hasn’t texted me back since he told me to stop texting him.”

My eyes widen in actual horror as I look over at him. “Please tell me you did not make that poor girl record this video.”

“I sure did.”

“Oh my god, Landon. What is wrong with you? That was so mean.”

His eyebrows shoot up in disbelief. “I don’t give a fuck. I won’t put us all in this position again, but I did this time, and I needed to fix it. You think I’m going to let our relationship get off to an uncertain start because you’re not sure you should believe me when I can easily clear it up for you instead?”

“Easy for you, not easy for her.”

“I don’t care about her,” he states simply.

“Clearly,” I murmur, sighing. “It was unnecessary, anyway, because I believed you. I know you have a temper and a history of bad behavior so when you were gone and we weren’t talking, I wasn’t sure, but once you told me you didn’t go to her, I didn’t doubt you.”