Page 158 of Contempt

“Maybe,” I type back. “The good news is it’s almost weekend, so a break is imminent.”

“You got any free time this weekend? Maybe we can meet up.”

My heart drops.

I haven’t been talking to Javi since things got more physical between me and Landon, but with the way he’s acting tonight and Brittany’s stupid post on social media… I don’t really know what’s going on.

I know Landon can be wrathful and mean, but he knows where my boundaries are, and if he thinks he can fuck around anytime he gets mad…

Well, he’s gonna find out.

“Maybe,” I text back. “What did you have in mind?”

“Bonfire on the beach?”

“Sounds fun. Will other people be there, or just us?”

“Just us. What do we need other people for?” he jokes.

Biting down on my bottom lip, I consider what to say before I start typing. I did like Javi when we were talking before, we just didn’t get to talk for very long before Landon got in the way.

But if Landon is out there doing what I’m afraid he’s doing right now, then Landon and I are done. There’s no reason I can’t hang out with Javi.

I don’tknowif he is, though, and that makes it harder.

“Can I get back to you?” I type out. “I’m not 100% sure if I can.”

“But you want to?”

My heart skitters. I feel vaguely guilty even as I type out, “Yeah, of course.”

It felt like the nice thing to say, but as soon as I see the words on the screen, I feel a bit sick.

“I have to go for now though, gotta get back to that homework.”

“All right,” he answers. “Don’t be a stranger.”

“Fuck,” I whisper, dropping the phone on my bed like it’s on fire. My skin is suddenly so warm, I feel like if I dunked myself in a tub of water, it would steam.

Since I need a break to clear my head before I can finish my homework anyway, I make my way to my bathroom for a nice, cool shower.

I’m feeling a little better by the time I emerge, rubbing lotion into my hands before walking over to my bedside table to check my phone. I left it on charge while I showered since my bedroom door is locked.

Nothing new.

Sighing, I climb back on my bed and turn my attention back to my books.

Thankfully, I’m less distracted this time and finally manage to get it done.

I’m out of water by the time I finish my homework, so I tiptoe down to the kitchen for a fresh bottle. I hear Landon’s car outside as I reach in for the water, so my heart drops and I slam the fridge door, making a mad dash up the stairs before he gets inside and catches me.

My heart pounds when I get back inside my bedroom and get the door closed behind me. I lock it, turn off my light, then walk softly back to my bed. I cleared my schoolbooks before I ran downstairs, so I fold back the comforter and climb underneath.

I’m hyperaware of the sounds outside my bedroom. His room is down the hall from mine, so I listen for the sound of his door shutting to indicate he’s inside.

My body tenses when instead, I hear a quiet knock on my door.

I wait, not even breathing, for a sign it’s not him. If it’s Mom, she’ll announce herself so I know I’m safe to open the door. Hayden doesn’t typically come to my room, but he would announce himself, too.