We make dinner at home instead of going out so as not to tempt fate, and I try not to blush every time I look at Landon and recall the night before, when he pinned me to my bed and fucked my throat.
He did let me fall asleep, but he woke me up at around two in the morning. I spent close to an hour looking at resorts with him on my phone, then the insatiable man rolled me onto my stomach and fucked me again before he went to his room.
My pussy is sore and my throat’s a bit sore today, too.
I still hope he sneaks into my room again tonight.
I have an appointment with my gynecologist tomorrow to get on some birth control. He used a condom last night, but he was the one to remember, not me. I’m confused by my brain’s inability to remember such a crucial thing because that’s so not like me, but nothing about sex with Landon is anything I was prepared for.
Besides, I kinda like when he comes inside me.
I just don’t want to have a baby right now since that would ruin literally all of our lives. I don’t understand how that’s not a strong enough incentive to remember condoms, but… here we are.
“So, have we narrowed it down to The Contemporary, then?” Mom asks once I’ve spent most of dinner detailing my vacation research.
“I think so, but we’ll have to have to pick our dates. I was originally hoping we could go for the Halloween party, but there’s stuff going on throughout October that we won’t want to miss here. There’s homecoming, Hannah’s birthday, the Fright Night and Fright Fest stuff. There’s only one week that even works in October, and we don’t have any days off school that week, so we’d have to miss five whole days.”
“Some of us don’t have a problem with that,” Landon says as he spears his last glazed carrot.
I nod. “But others of us aren’t as keen on all that catch-up work, so I’m thinking November would work. Then we can do a Christmas party. Otherwise, we should wait until after Christmas. No parties if we go then, and even the holiday festival… do we want to do thatafterChristmas?”
“So, November is the best time,” Hayden surmises, nodding. “All right. Well, I’ll look at the school calendar and check my work schedule to see when we can go, then we’ll go ahead with booking.”
“If we have to miss a couple of days, I can manage that, but I’d rather not miss a whole week,” I tell him.
“And I’m not giving up Thanksgiving,” Mom states.
“We could do December after the winter ball but before Christmas if we absolutely had to,” I state.
“And I have no problem with any date you could possibly choose. Aren’t you glad I’m an underachiever?” Landon says.
“So proud,” Hayden says dryly.
I crack a smile. “I already accounted for swim team. If we go in November, there’s no conflict. If we go after Christmas, there could be.”
He shrugs. “I can just blow it off if I need to. Doesn’t matter.”
We aresuchdifferent people.
When the last plate has been cleared, I tell Mom I’ll do the dishes so she can spend a little time with Hayden.
Landon says he’ll help, much to everyone’s surprise, and I eye him warily as I back into the kitchen.
He smirks. “What?”
I narrow my eyes at him. “You know what.”
He grabs my hips, walking me back against the counter.
My eyes widen. “Knock it off,” I whisper.
“Hey, I’m just here to be helpful.”
“You can help by making sure the dishwasher is empty while I rinse off the dinner plates,” I inform him primly. Then, more seriously, I ask, “Have you ever even done dishes before?”
I push his hands off my hips, my gaze darting to the kitchen entrance as I put some space between us. “Behave yourself,” I say quietly, before turning to face the counter.