Page 147 of Contempt

Since this is an amiable enough conversation, Mom joins in, telling Landon, “Elsa is Parker’s favorite princess.”

“Queen, technically,” I murmur. “But yes, she’s my favorite. Hannah and I were Anna and Elsa for Halloween one year. I had to be Anna since she’s the blonde and I have all this red hair, but I was Elsa-adjacent.” Shaking my head, I say, “I’ll stop talking so we can start the movie. But I am already getting very excited about outfit ideas.”

Hayden finally starts the movie, and I curl up on the couch beside Landon.

It’s a very different movie night compared to the last one. I still have to be hyper-vigilant, but not to fend off a possible attack this time. I just don’t want our parents to get suspicious.

Landon still sits on the couch next to me and touches me whenever he can without risking detection, but this time, I want him to.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


“I love these pretty little tits.”

I sigh with pleasure as Landon’s hot mouth roams across my nipple. He nips at my tender flesh and wrenches a gasp out of me, then he turns his attention to the other boob so it doesn’t feel left out.

My eyes drift closed, another shock of pleasure shooting through me when he tongues that beaded nipple. Tension builds between my thighs as he teases it again and again. He turns his head, deliberately scratching the sensitive skin with his stubble, then he eases the sting with his soft, perfect lips.

While he teases and torments my breasts, his hand slides down between my thighs. I open them wider, letting my knees rest against the bed so he has better access to me.

This is heaven.

Landon’s hand closes over my pussy possessively, and the heat from his body makes me sigh. He slides his fingers down to rub me, then he uses them to spread me open.

I’m arching against his mouth, waiting for him to push a finger into me when, suddenly, I feel as if a bucket of cold water has been dumped over my head.

There’s a knock at my bedroom door.

Everything freezes, and my eyes pop open wide. Landon lifts his head, and adrenaline floods my system.

Oh my god.

“Honey, it’s Mom.”

Oh my god!

“Hide,” I whisper furiously, pushing him off me. “Get in my closet.”

Landon pushes off me and moves off the bed. My heart pounds and my stomach sinks with dread, but to his credit, he manages to get to the closet quickly and quietly.

“Just a second!” I call, trying to keep the panic from my voice as I jump off the bed and grab my nightshirt off the ground. I frantically pull it on, yanking it down and then looking around for my panties.

“Everything okay?” Mom calls back.

Yeah, fine, just dying. No big deal.

I can’t find my stupid panties, so I finally give up and just hastily make my way to the door so I can unlock it.

I feel like a deer caught in the headlights even as I rip the door open. Landon only slipped into my room a few minutes ago, so I shouldn’t looktooravished yet… but what if she can tell?

Greeting her with a smile I hope looks more casual than it feels, I ask, “What’s up?”

Mom glances past me a little uncertainly. “Can I come in?”

“Of course,” I squeak, dying a little and telling myself toget it the fuck together.

It’s hard to get it together when I have to scan the floor, hoping and praying she doesn’t find my panties.