That wouldn’t bother me, but he immediately grabs the phone off the table and shoves it into his pocket.
“Why’d you do that?”
He looks up at me, probably not expecting to be immediately called out on it. I didn’t think about it, it just struck me as odd, so why not ask?
“Because I keep getting fucking text messages I don’t feel like dealing with right now. I shouldn’t have listened to you about taking the time to let Brittany know I wouldn’t be fucking with her anymore. She’s taken it as unusually meaningful since it’s not my style.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“I should’ve made you text her since you were so worried about it,” he mutters.
Well, that’s annoying. “I was just trying to do the right thing. I knew she liked you, I didn’t want you to fuck her over.”
“Well, since I didn’t, she thinks I care. So, good job.”
“I’m sorry. I still don’t think it was bad advice, but Jesus, I wish that girl would get a grip.”
“Seems like she has a pretty firm one,” Hannah murmurs lightly as she peruses the menu.
I shoot her a look. “Hilarious.”
She shrugs. “I’m just saying.”
“She’s sending him Spotify links to songs,” Arden says, not bothering to hide his amusement.
“Taylor Swift. My fucking favorite,” Landon says dryly.
I bite back a wave of utterly inappropriate amusement. “Are you serious?”
“Which song?” Hannah asks.
“I don’t fucking know. I didn’t listen to it. Some month… April, August…”
“Gotta be August.” Hannah sighs, shaking her head. “Poor girl.”
“Poor lunatic. She needs a fucking restraining order,” Landon mutters.
“Just block her,” Malek says, rolling his eyes. “This is not as hard as you’re making it.”
“I should have just ignored her out of existence like I originally intended, but no. Parker had to be nice.”
“I’m so sorry for not being a heartless asshole,” I say dryly.
“You guys had better be careful at school,” Arden advises, eyebrows rising. “In all seriousness, if she realizes you two are hooking up, she might get the bright idea to rat you out so you have to break up and Landon will be available again.”
“I hope she’s not that fucking stupid,” Landon says, looking at his menu.
Malek says, “Pretty sure she is.”
“If she does, we can sic Anae on her,” Arden says, amused. “She’s pretty good at revenge.”
Hannah shifts uncomfortably and focuses harder on her menu, but I can tell by her face she’s feeling stressed.
I feel awkward asking with all the guys here, so I take my phone out of my purse and shoot her a quick text.
“You okay?”
Her phone lights up. She grabs it, reading the message, then typing back. “Yeah. I just don’t like hanging out with these guys.”