Panic mixes in with the tantalizing pleasure and dulls it as reason compels me to throw off my blanket and look down.
The room is dark, but enough moonlight spills in that I can make out the clear silhouette of a man with his head planted between my spread thighs, his mouth latched onto my pussy.
His grip on my thigh tightens.
I fight to free them, my heart pounding and my stomach doing somersaults as I twist away from him. He keeps my thighs pinned so I can’t really move, but his mouth disconnects from my pussy when I reach down and grab a fistful of his hair. All I can think to do is tug it, so I do. I pull hard, pushing at his shoulder and—
I cry out when he quickly regains his bearings and his grip on me now that I’m awake and fighting, and his tongue pushes into my pussy.
I wasn’t awake the first time he did it. I didn’t feel the invasion of his tongue, his ruthless insistence as he entered my body without permission. I feel it now, and my stomach tumbles as he assaults my clit.
He knows I was close, and he’s trying to make me come. That will temporarily incapacitate me. I’ll be boneless and defenseless for long enough… He’ll be able to do anything he wants to me.
“No,” I try to free my thighs, but he’s too strong.
I reach down and dig my nails into his shoulders, dragging them across his flesh.
Landon groans against my pussy, but he doesn’t stop.
I’m horrified to find the pressure building despite the struggle. There’s a telltale quickening when his tongue hits that sensitive spot again and again, a tremble in my thighs, a plea from my body to just let it happen.
No, no, no, no.
Thiscannotbe happening.
“Get off me,” I hiss, pushing his head to force him off me. “Get out of here, Landon. Get out of my bedroom!”
How did he even get in here? The door was locked.
Wasn’t it?
I couldn’t have possibly forgotten to lock it.
It’s part of my nightly ritual.
Although, I did run downstairs to grab a bottle of water while I was studying.
Did I lock it when I came back up?
I don’t know. I was distracted thinking about too many things… I can’t remember.
The moment Landon’s mouth isn’t locked on my body anymore, I throw my weight and sit up so I can smack him. He can’t restrain both thighs and my arms at the same time.
“Get off me,” I growl, shoving him and using the small victory to move my legs.
There’s a Taser in my bedside drawer. If I can just get to it, then I can stop him.
He catches my thigh before I can fully turn.
His steely grip is bound to leave bruises, but he doesn’t let me go. Instead, he fights to keep control of me as I fight to get away from him. The adrenaline coursing through my veins should help me get free, but he still manages to be stronger. To keep me pinned beneath him.
As soon as I stop flailing violently to catch my breath, he dives between my thighs again.
“No,” I cry out, reaching down to push at his head. “Stop it, you—”
Rather than eat my pussy, this time he bites the inside of my thigh. I cry out at the shocking savagery of it, then at the twisted spike of pleasure when he runs his hot mouth over my sensitive flesh and kisses the spot as if to soothe the pain he just inflicted.