I smile and type back, “I’m studying. You want me to deal with laptop glare outside? What are you, a psychopath?”
“You can study later. You live in one of those hilltop mansions, don’t you? Go for a swim.”
“I feel like that’s a really sneaky way of trying to get a bikini pic,” I joke.
“It wasn’t, but hey, if you want to send one, I won’t say no.”
“Sorry, pal. I don’t even wear bikinis.”
“I don’t! I have the complexion of a friendly ghost, so if I even think about the sun without sunscreen on, I burn. If I could swim fully clothed, I would.”
“You can jump in the pool fully clothed and then climb out and send me a picture. I’m cool with that.”
“I bet you are.” I shake my head, trying to stop smiling so much because it’s absurd. “Anyway, I am supposed to be studying and you are distracting me.”
“Good. Get your ass outside and study later.”
“So bossy,” I tease, but honestly, I don’t hate it.
I refuse to ignore my studies and spend the whole night talking to him, though, so I exercise some restraint and plug my phone in to charge so I won’t be tempted.
Just when I get back into a groove working, there’s a knock at my bedroom door.
“It’s open,” I call back.
Mom pops her head inside. “Hey, honey.” Her gaze flickers from my laptop back to my face. “Doing school stuff?”
I nod. “Working on some club stuff. It’s not super important if you need me for something.”
“Oh, no.” Mom waves me off. “I just wanted to let you know we were going out. Since Landon won’t be around this evening, Hayden and I thought we would take advantage and have a little impromptu date night.”
“Sounds good.” I flash her a smile. “Have fun.”
She smiles back. “We will. Antonia is downstairs. She’ll make you dinner tonight, so just let her know whenever you get hungry.”
Mom leaves and I spend a few more minutes working, but it’s a struggle. My focus is being pulled away by the knowledge that I have the house to myself. That never happens, so I can’t help thinking I should take advantage of it.
Like Javi said, I can finish my homework later when everyone is back and I need to be holed up in my room, anyway.
I change into my swimsuit and pull on a loose dress over it, then I head downstairs. Antonia is wiping down the already gleaming countertop when I come down.
“Hey, Antonia.”
“Hello, Miss Parker. Hungry?”
I bite my lip, glancing out at the pool. It’s calling my name. “Not just yet, but I have a request. If this is not something you do, please tell me, I don’t want to like give you extra chores…”
She waves me off. “What would you like?”
Flinching at the awkwardness of placing an order with someonenotworking a drive-thru or carrying a notepad around a restaurant, I say, “I was wondering if you make strawberry banana smoothies?”
“Of course. With chia seeds or without?”
My eyes brighten. “Without. Oh, the blender may be dirty,” I warn her, grimacing. “I had one this morning for breakfast, but it was so good. There’s no rule that you can’t have two smoothies in one day, right?”
“If there is, it’s a dumb rule.”