Page 70 of Contempt

“What the hell are you wearing?”

Eyes wide, I stare at him. “Clothes.”

“Barely,” he snaps. “Those shorts are practically fucking underwear.”

Logically, I know he is completely insane.

Illogically, his comments make me feel like these are shorter than I realized and maybe I shouldn’t be leaning over the car door with all these creeps around to stare at my ass.

I can’t let Landon know his criticism bothers me, though, so I resist the urge to tug at my shorts to try to cover more of my thighs and toss back a biting comment. “Yeah, I know. I don’t know how Hannah’s keeping her hands off me with all the sexiness I’m exuding right now.”

Landon glares at me, but my attention is pulled away by the voice behind me.

“Hannah’s inside?” That gets Arden’s attention. He glances back at the house with interest.

Ignoring him, I look back at Landon. “I would be in bed sleeping, but some inconsiderate asshole woke me up with his noisy ass car. Have you seen anyone like that around here?”

Jordan laughs but Malek doesn’t. He hates me, too, he just isn’t as interested in letting me know it all the time.

Landon doesn’t smile. His gaze drops to my chest and makes me self-conscious, so I cross my arms to cover my breasts.

“Get back inside,” he tells me.

Even if I wanted to, I can’t now because he just ordered me to and his stupid buddies make “ooh,” noises in the background that saddle me with a pair of cement shoes.

“I’m not going anywhere without your keys. You’ve been drinking, and I don’t trust you not to drive off a cliff.”

“Like you would care,” he mutters.

“I would obviously care if you drove off a cliff, Landon. I would care if almost anyone drove off a cliff. The list of people who can do that and I wouldn’t care is short, and try as you might to get on it, you haven’t yet.”

“Yet, she says,” Arden comments. “Give him time, he’ll get there.” Ready for a change of scenery, apparently, he adds, “She’s right, though. You shouldn’t drive. Why don’t we go inside? I’m thirsty. I could use a drink. Is Cinderella awake, too?”

“Don’t call her that,” I say, not at all amused. “She’s sleeping, and she’s not your maid regardless.”

He smirks at me. “Not yet. The way that stepmother and stepsister of hers bleed money, I bet they’d sell her to me if I made a good enough offer.”

He’s repugnant and I can’t believe I’m literally losing sleep talking to him.

I know Landon is too difficult to let me rein him in with his friends as witnesses, so I take a softer path to the same destination since I’m tired and I know it’s likely to get me there quicker.

Leaning farther into Landon’s car, I say more softly, “It’s really late and you’re not supposed to be doing stuff like this. Why don’t you kick these guys out and go to bed before you wake someone else up?”

He smirks and leans closer. “I will if you come with me.”

I maintain an even, dead-eyed look. “Pass.”

He shrugs. “Then I guess I’m not coming inside.”

I sigh. “What are you even doing out here?”

“Arden’s looking for a new ride, so we were comparing cars. He’s trying to convince Malek to sell him the Aperta.”

“You guys can play with your cars when it’s not three in the morning,” I tell him.

“We could, but we’re already here, so…”

“What do you think your dad’s going to say if you wake him up like you woke me? For that matter, when he realizes you’ve been drinking and you’re behind the wheel.”