Page 49 of Ruthless Villain

“Exactly. Admittedly this is one hell of a coincidence but it just has to be one of those things you know you’ll laugh about decades from now when you’re old and gray and reminiscing about the past.”

“Yeah sure.” I nod looking like I’m agreeing, but I know myself. If Autumn Jakobe were easy for me to forget I would have done so already. “This is my season to shine, whether I’m captain or not.”

“That’s the spirit. Don’t let that prick, Jakobe, or his daughter, allow you to lose focus. You worked too hard for that and the stand you took against him will count for nothing. Just remember that tomorrow’s meeting is him accepting he needs you.”

“You’re right.”

He gives me a cunning smile. “I’m always right. That’s why I’m so good at what I do.”

“I can’t refute that.”

“In other news, I got you a potential buyer for that house of yours.”

“Thanks. Send me the details.” I’ve been thinking about Autumn so much that I almost forgot about the house.

“It’s going to sell for a pretty penny.”

“I know. Just don’t tell your father yet. He wants me to keep it.” Last year after my maternal grandmother died, I came into possession of several of her assets. The hundred year old manor home is one of them. Because I live in a penthouse bachelor pad in the city, Preston has been on at me to keep the house in case I need it.

“Don’t listen to him.” Hunter waves his hand and rolls his eyes.

Suddenly Preston and Asher’s voices echo in the hallway, cutting into our conversation.

“Looks like it’s time to join the group again.” I glance through the door.

Preston and Asher approach.

Seeing Preston in his suit I think of how different he is to my father. Dad was like Rambo while Preston was the American version of James Bond.

Hunter and Asher look like younger versions of Preston. The only differences being that Hunter is blond like him and Asherhas his mother’s dark hair. That aside, the striking resemblance in their faces is their father’s.

“This is where you two are,” Preston says.

“We’re about to play poker with the guests.” Asher smirks wearing the same wicked grin as Hunter. It’s because they always win. Last time I was around them they ended the evening with an extra few million in their pockets.

“Do they know what they’re in for?” I ask trying to sound like my usual lighthearted self.

“No, but they’re about to find out.” Preston smiles and signals for us to follow him.

We do, but before we go I glance back at the picture of my father on the wall again.

The last thing my father was in life was captain of the Hawks. I want that for myself, too.

That means going back to plan A.

Forgetting Autumn Jakobe and making sure her father doesn’t screw with me.

Jakobe lays out his expectations to Evan and me with that I-am-the-law attitude he’s displayed since purchasing the team.

We’ve been in Jakobe’s office at the team’s headquarters for the last forty minutes. Throughout that time Evan and I have barely uttered two words. All the talking has been done by Jakobe.

We’ve listened to him laying down his vision for the team’s future, his reasons for purchasing the team, then his displeasure at how we conducted ourselves at the Tampa game when we fought.

It was all stuff I haven’t really cared to hear, but I listened because I realize I’m at a stage in this game where I need to pay attention to absolutely everything.

I’m on edge as it is, just sitting here with him.And Evan.

I’m also doing my best not to think about Autumn.