Page 33 of Ruthless Villain

I can’t believe I didn’t get her name.

I mentally shake my head at myself again.

“I had a great time. They don’t call it Sin City for no reason.” I smirk, and the guys laugh.

“I couldn’t agree more,” clips a scathing voice behind us.

We turn to find Evan standing there with his hands in his pockets, grinning at each of us. He’s still sporting black and blue bruises and a broken nose. I heard I broke a rib or two, but who’s counting?

Next to Evan are Max and Rory, equivalents of the Plastics inMean Girlsor Bond villain henchmen depending on which day you run into them.

I’ve never exactly had a problem with either of them because they know I’d destroy them. From what I can see here I’m sure if they had to choose sides it’s clear they’d take Evan’s.

“You’re back.” Evan looks me up and down as if he’s sizing me up for another fight.

“I am back.” I do the same sizing-up thing to him.

“You missed a good game in Canada. Allthreeof them. We won, without you.”

Translation—we don’t need you.

I smile at him, seeing through his shit. Does he truly think that type of talk can faze me? Even if it did, I won’t be falling into his trap again.

“They’re the Hawks. Of course, they did.” I rock back on my feet and stare him down, widening my smile. “I don’t know what you pussies did in L.A. but over here we can still operate when a member of the team isn’t around.”

I know my guys are proud of my answer, and as much as Max and Rory wouldn’t admit it, they are, too.

Evan gives me a smug expression to cover his rage which I can see in his eyes. “L.A. did just fine. I was captain, remember?”

“I do. Even if I didn’t, I believe I left you with the bruises to match the uniform.” L.A.’s colors are black and blue.

Heath and Jake laugh at my comment, like a bunch of high school boys.

“Good comeback. Also tells me you feel no remorse for assaulting me. I might just take that detective up on his advice to press charges.”

I step forward into his personal space with an unmistakable air of menace, my stance making his eyes darken with a gust of fear. “Why don’t you? Go ahead and do it.”

When a few beats pass and he doesn’t answer, I give him a smile that must resemble Jack Nicholson’s inTheShining. People know I’m crazy as fuck, so the association isn’t that far off.

“Maybe I’m more of a team player than you are.” Evan tries to regain his composure, but it’s not working. My closeness has made him lose his edge.

“Keep telling yourself that, L.A.” I call him L.A to remind him where he’s coming from and where he should still be.

“We’ll see how you feel about me when I become captain ofthisteam.”

“Not gonna happen.” I soundwaytoo confident. I know that, and I know I shouldn’t. I have no control over this situation whatsoever. But like any conqueror in history, I hold my own against my opposer. That way he can shit himself trying to figure out what aces I may have up my sleeve and when I’m going to use them to strike.

“We’ll see about that.”

We’re both saved when my phone buzzes in my pocket. It’s probably the universe’s way of intervening so we don’t get into another fight.

I give Evan that maddening smile again and step away from him, turning only to nod at Heath and Jake before I walk away.

I retrieve my phone from the inside pocket of my jacket and check to see who’s calling me.

It’s Jericho. Even though I’m seeing him in a few hours, his call is a most welcome distraction.

I head out to the terrace, where I answer the call. He could be calling for one of two things. The first is that he found my girl—he was my last resort. Jericho Grayson has a penchant for finding things no one else can. I thought maybe he could help with the next-to-nothing information I have on Venus.