Page 106 of Ruthless Villain

"Okay sure, I’ll go." I force a smile to my face and try to look excited to go out with him. Out the corner of my eye I see Luc’s jaw tense and the veins in his neck bulge.

“Let’s go, babe.”

I grab my bag. This feels like a déjà vu of that first week when I started working here.

Leaving Luc's side, I walk over to Evan.

"Later, Le Blanche," Evan calls back at Luc, who doesn't answer.

When Evan puts his arm around me Luc looks as if he might kill him.

We leave and I feel awful. There's a sick feeling inside me that curls into my stomach, twisting my insides with a prickly sensation. I can’t even look back at Luc because I know he must hate this.

Evan pulls me closer when we step outside. "What did Le Blanche want to check? He shouldn’t have a reason to speak to you."

I try to think of something fast, and it comes to me. "There was an inquiry from a magazine. They wanted an interview with him. Of course, you know Luc doesn't like doing interviews so he wanted to make sure I didn't engage with them."

At first Evan looks as if he doesn't believe me, but the hardness in his expression softens. “As long as he's only checking about that we don't have a problem."

“There is no problem. Remember I work with all the players.” I try to keep the annoyance out of my voice but fail.

“Of course.”

This is absolute shit and I blame Dad again. This is yet another example of the control he holds over me.

We reach the restaurant. Once we're seated I think of all the ways I can escape as quickly as possible.

The waitress brings us menus and when I get to the salad page, I know what I’ll do to make sure this isn’t a long lunch date.

"I'm just going to get a salad today,” I tell him. “I can't stay out too long. My mom has a whole ton of stuff for me to do."

"That's fine. I've actually been thinking it would be great for you to come to my place next weekend after the game. We can spend some quality time together. "

Oh, fuck no.I've been able to come up with good excuses to get myself out of situations like he’s suggesting but as Luc said, we’re at the stage where Evan is going to expect more from me.

"I'll have to check whether I can." Between now and next week I’ll have to find some way to phase this thing we have out.

"Your father has already agreed to it, if that's what you mean bychecking." He smiles.

I smile back and shake my head. "No, that's not what I mean. My boss might be in town next weekend. He wanted to meet with me to go over my article." I deserve an award for that answer. Harvey is actually going to be in town but I have no such meeting with him. Harvey said we might meet for coffee and that was just to see how I am. Of course, we would talk about the article, but not at the depth I’m implying.

"I see." Evan rests his hands on the table. "Well, I'm sure we'll find a way to figure something out."

"Yeah, sure."

"You know, it's crazy. You and I have been going on these so-called lunch and dinner dates for weeks now and I haven't even kissed you yet." He leans closer, as if he might get that kiss.

I giggle as if what he said was funny and curl the end of my hair, drawing his attention away from my eyes and down to my fingers. When his gaze flicks back up to meet mine I give him a lopsided grin.

"I know. I guess you must really like me. I think that shows you really are the gentleman my father said you were."

Evan looks thrown by my comment, but holds my gaze. "Yes, I am that gentleman, but believe me when I say I plan to make up for it."

A chill runs through my veins, filling me with trepidation, but thankfully someone approaches the table cutting into our conversation.

Thinking it's the waitress, I turn to give her my order. But it's not her. Instead I find a tall, muscular man covered in tattoos. I'm about to ask him what he wants when I notice that Evan looks as if he’s going to shit himself.

"Sorry to interrupt your date," the man says in a thick Russian accent, his eyes fixed on Evan. He only glances my way for a second.