Page 62 of Ruthless Villain

I almost do it. I very nearly do it, but Heath grabs my arm.

“Not worth it, Luc,” Heath says. “He’s just trying to push you the wrong way.”

Don’t I know it?

I shove a fist into the locker door next to Evan’s head and then step back.

Evan grins wide and triumphant as if he caught me in a trap. Maybe he did. The room has suddenly gone silent, and I know the guys are wondering if I’ve lost my mind.

I move away from them and head around the corner to the shower. Heath and Jake follow, stopping me before I can step in.

“What the hell was that?” Heath snaps, but he keeps his voice low.

“You want to get fucking benched again?” Jake shakes his head.

“Why would you risk that over Jakobe’s daughter?” Heath stares me down. “You don’t even know her.” The moment he says that and takes in my silence, realization dawns on him that Idoknow her.

Heath knows me. They both do.

I might get away with showing myself up in front of the guys because Evan said it was my loss. But Heath and Jake will know I went from zero to one hundred in those few seconds because she meant something to me.

In genuine surprise they look at each other, exchanging silent words. When they look back at me I know they don’t expect an answer, so I don’t give it.

There’s nothing to say.

Nothing Ishouldsay.

Heath and Jake are my friends, so I know they won’t say anything to anyone either.

I wake the next morning in a fucking bad mood.

It feels like one of those days I should skip.

I have a day off, so I plan to stay in and work off the mood with a few hours in my pool or the gym. Except I can’t bring myself to get out of bed.

I keep thinking maybe Autumn saw Evan last night. Maybe she spent the night with him.

What if she did?

Maybe they didn’t need to wait until tonight.

This is ridiculous. Look at me. Stuck thinking about a girl I hardly know when I’ve just had one of the best weeks of my career.

I bring a hand to my head and roll onto my side so I can stare out through the glass wall.

I live in a four-million-dollar penthouse apartment in the city. I moved here a few years back so I could be closer to the ice rink. I also like the view and the peace this place affords me.

I wince when the phone rings, wondering who the hell that could be.

I consider letting it ring out when it rings again, so I pick up the phone.

It’s Hunter, so I answer the call.

“God, Hunter. What do you want?” I mumble.

“Are you home.”
