Page 55 of Ruthless Villain

“I am trouble, Venus, but I think you already knew that.”

She looks at me as if she doesn’t know what to say. It’s okay. I get that a lot. Most people don’t know how to take my brazen personality.

“What kind of trouble are you?” Her voice still holds some hope.

“The real bad kind. What about you, Venus? What kind of glass house did daddy dearest build around you?” I sense her father is holding something over her. Something she values as much as I do my career.

“There are a few things going on in my life right now that are a little complicated. My… father is a part of that. He controls it.” As she speaks, conflict wars in her eyes, duty to herself and her father overriding the pull of our attraction.

I give her a clipped nod. “I understand. It’s the same for me with him.” I sound as if I stand by that reasoning, but I don’t. None of this feels right. “So… looks like we’ll be staying away from each other.”

The warmth we shared moments ago fades as soon as I say those words.

In her eyes there's a mixture of emotions—confusion, disappointment, and reluctant understanding.

I feel the same, and for a moment I wrestle with the realization that the connection we had in Vegas is slipping away. I allow myself a fleeting second to consider the possibility of a solution that doesn't involve stepping away completely, but I stop my mind in its tracks.

The only solution would be defying Jakobe’s warning and following my own desires. That wouldn’t be wise for either of us. I can’t be the reckless Luc I used to be. I have to be sensible. It seems Autumn has decided the same thing for herself.

This is what you call making a choice for the greater good. Things could change in the future, but this decision is an assurance in case they don’t.

“I’ll see you for the interview, though, right?” Autumn tilts her head and searches my eyes. I witness her need to hold on to something again, but this is where I have to be the bigger person.

“Sorry, baby. I don’t do interviews.”

Her lips part in mild shock. “Not at all?”

“No. I don’t.”

“But it’s for the company.”

“Just make something up. There’s enough online about me to piece together something. I’m sure I’ll like whatever you do.”

“It’s not going to be the same.”

“Maybe not, but maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be.”

Her response is interrupted by a knock on the door. We turn, and my blood boils when I see Evan standing there staring at us with that smug smirk on his face. Decked out in his biker jacket and leather pants he looks like a drifter.

I wish he were, and he’d drift his ass someplace other than here. Speaking of which, why the fuck is he here?

“Hey, babe, ready for our date?” he says to Autumn, completely ignoring me.

All I focus on is the worddate,and I have to clench my hands at my sides to calm myself down.

“You meanmeeting,” Autumn corrects him.

“Same difference.”

“At this hour?” I cut in, giving Autumn a hard stare.

“My father has arranged for Evan to assist me for the next few months with my tasks.”

Fucking hell.Jakobe asked Evan to assist her?

But warnedmeaway from her. Just fucking great.

Sure, if he’d known what happened between us in Vegas then it might be understandable, but he doesn’t. The problem again is me.