Page 38 of Ruthless Villain

Dad lost all his hair by the time he was forty so he doesn’t take too kindly to being called Doctor Egg Man, Bullseye, or Lex Luther.

Some of those villains are cool, but it’s the baldheaded connotation that’s not.

“Luc was the guy?” I find that hard to believe.


“But he seems so?—”

“No, Autumn. I'm being serious here.” Dad nods as if the gesture can provide added conformation of how serious he is. “That guy is the worst kind. I want you to stay away from him. By all means, do the interview for the team and keep things professional. Nothing more.”

How do I tell him that I had sex with Luc more times than I can remember and I’ve gotten more than up close and personal with the guy he’s warning me away from?

“Luc Le Blanche is unstable and a headache you don't need. Unfortunately for me, I have the misfortune of owning a team my biggest rival’s son is on.”

My eyes snap wide. This… this is the first I'm hearing of this. “What do you mean?”

“His father and I played on rival teams a very long time ago. That asshole was the worst person I’ve ever met. Now I havehis son to deal with.” Dad’s shoulders tense. “They have the same temperament and out-of-control attitude that makes them believe they own the world.”

I hold back on telling him that he sounds as if he’s describing himself.

“God rest his soul, and his wife’s, too, but I’m thankful I don’t have to deal with Maurice Le Blanche anymore. However, the son is perhaps worse than the father.”

“Luc’s parents are dead?”

“Yes, but please don’t take that to feel sorry for him.”

A twinge of emotion pulls on my insides at the cruelty in his words. “Dad, that’s not very nice. His parents are dead.” I wonder how they died.

“I admit it’s not, but if you’d gone through the hell I have with that boy, you’d understand where I’m coming from.” His face softens. “Things are so bad that I'd get Luc off my team in a heartbeat if I could. But I know things would get worse for me with the team and the bad publicity it would cause if I did so.”

The tension in my stomach twists. “He’s that bad, Dad?”

“Yes, and if I'm pushed, I will be rid of him if I have to. Regardless of how bad or good it makes me look for losing him.”

Suddenly I recall the reasons Luc gave for his escape to Vegas. He said someone was trying to screw with his career. Hearing what Dad just said it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Luc was talking about my father.

God… I can’t believe this.

I don't know Luc but I know my father. Dad is difficult and stubborn as hell witheverything. He believes being different means being defective in some way. Like how he thinks of me.

“When I bought this team I promised myself I would do everything for the benefit of theteam. I knew he was on it but the opportunity to own the Hawks was too good to pass up.” He sets his shoulders back. “If all goes to plan they stand a greatchance of winning the Cup again this year like they have in recent years, but I needeveryoneon board.”

So, Dad needs Luc. “I see.”

“It would be a great achievement as their new owner. For them and for me.”

Dad played pro hockey until he was in his late thirties. He stopped due to an injury. I was too young to remember that time but I’ve heard all the stories and seen the pictures of him and his accomplishments when he played for L.A.

Luckily, Dad used the money he gained from his success to start up Jakobe Sports, our family business. It’s on par with the likes of Bauer in the ice hockey world and other sports companies like Nike. Dad did well for himself, so I understand what owning the Hawks means to him.

“I hope you’ll understand,and listen, to my warning to stay away from Luc Le Blanche.” There’s another warning in his eyes. One that reminds me that my father holds my future over my head. “Is that understood?”

“Yes.” I feel wrong for agreeing. Not because I’ve already crossed the line with Luc, but more that it doesn’t sit well with me. It also feels like another act of control over me.

“I know you've been through a lot, and I understand why you didn’t join us in Canada. What Cole did was unacceptable and unfair.”

I want to point out that while he might think so he’s not doing anything to Cole to truly punish him, but I hold my tongue.