Page 28 of Ruthless Villain

“Am I officially a slut for sleeping with a complete stranger?”

“Don’t be silly. I think it’s perfectly acceptable for consenting adults who like each other to have whatever fun they want.” She nods with the conviction of a person taking an oath.

“Well, Vegas made a believer out of me. I get why it’s called ‘Sin City’ now.” I reach for one of my pillows, rest it on my knees, and sink into its softness. “It was fun, but now I’m back to reality.”

She sighs with sympathy. “I’m sorry. How are you feeling about reality?”

“Numb. Dad got Cole’s article removed from theEnquirer, but people still have it up on their social media.”

“I think he’s still trying to sort that out, and I know he asked Cole to apologize.”

“Yeah, but the damage is already done.”

“Have you spoken to either of your parents yet?”

“Just my mom.” She flew back from Canada last night, so she was here this morning when I arrived. “We spoke about the incident with Cole, but she also wanted to know how I was feeling about the engagement.”

“And how are you feeling about that? You never really said.” Worry pulls at the corners of her eyes and the tilt of her lips.

“I’m fine with it.” That’s the same thing I told my mother, and I mean it.

Zoe looks even more worried than she did before. Just like Mom did. I assume it’s because they both think I’m lying. I’m not, but I understand why they’d believe that.

It’s not supposed to be easy to get over your ex leaving you for your sister then getting engaged to her.

“Are you really fine with it?”

“I am. Of course, when Cole first dumped me I was deeply hurt. But I’ve had time to come to terms with the idea of them being together.” I remember the night of our horrible breakup all too well. Charlotte was there and said nothing as Cole explained all the reasons why she was a better fit for him. My parents were around, too. No one cared how I felt. “I’ve moved on. I just want them both to leave me out of their lives.”

“Well, I hope they will after the shit Cole dropped himself in.”

“Me too. I need to get through the next few months without any more problems.”

“Of course, but what about your father?” She tugs on her bottom lip.

“I've yet to speak to him. He’ll be back for the fundraiser on Friday. He said he’ll talk to me then.”

“I hope you’ll be able to speak to him about your inheritance.”

“I hope so, too. Of all the things I’m worried about when it comes to my father, that is the most important. The worry over not getting it is theonlyreason I agreed to take my sabbatical here when my parents suggested it.”

“I know.”

My father is the executor of the two-million-dollar inheritance my grandfather left me. I was supposed to get it on my twenty-fourth birthday but the accident happened months before. Months later I went into rehab after I accidentally overdosed on the painkillers I got hooked on. I never intended for that to happen, but it was what it was.

Viewed as unstable, Dad was able to get medical and legal power of attorney over me with little effort.

Along with the powers granted in my grandfather’s will, Dad took it upon himself to delay the release of my funds for another year.

That year ended a month after my sabbatical, but the PTSD diagnosis has thrown everything out of sync. Now Dad is considering delaying the release again.

I straighten, observing the concern on Zoe’s face. “I take full responsibility for my actions but I had that panic attack two weeks after a horrible argument with Dad where he said he still didn’t think I was capable of dealing with my affairs. Just hearing those words crushed me and set me back. It was clear he wanted to delay the funds again anyway.”

“Maybe the Cole situation will soften his heart.”

“Here’s hoping. The goal is to keep things sweet with Dad, so he won’t mess up my plans. I hate the control he holds over me.”

“Maybe he’s just worried about you.” Zoe reaches forward and gives my hand a gentle squeeze. “You’ve had a really difficult time. We nearly lost you, Autumn.Twice.Both times were terrible, but the car accident was truly awful. I keep thinking that if the paramedics had arrived a minute later, we would have lost you forever.”