“Okay, see you then. There’s a company luncheon on Saturday with the investors. It would be great if you could make it.”
Although I don’t have much to do with the business side of the company, Preston likes to include me in all the events. I always oblige. “I’ll be there.”
“Wonderful. Let me know what happens with Jakobe.”
“Safe travels, kid.”
“Thanks, uncle.”
We hang up, and I stare at the phone for a moment before resting it on my lap.
I’ll call Jakobe later and hear what he has to say. Guaranteed it’s not going to be anything I want to hear.
He’s not going to give me the alternate captain position back when he’s already given it to Evan.
As for the captain position, if he’s clever he’ll put it back on the table for me.
He knows that’s all I want to talk about, which means I have to play nice and tamp down my rage to get what I want.
It’s just not going to be easy.
Jakobe doesn’t just hate me because of the rivalry he had with my father, he also hates that I come from old wealth.
He loathes the fact that I’m one of the highest-paid players in the NHL, but even without that I’d still have my family fortune from Le Blanche Global behind me.
Le Blanche Global is a world-renowned hedge fund and investment company that’s been in operation for over a hundred years.
To make matters worse for Jakobe’s envy my family also owns the Gladiators, one of the three NHL teams in New York.
People like Shawn Jakobe believe we’re all entitled bastards born with silver spoons, but we earned every inch of what we have. The same way he did as a self-made billionaire.
I’ve come too far and devoted years of training to be who I am to allow some motherfucker with a chip on his shoulder to ruin everything.
Growing up I lived in the spotlight of my father’s legacy, which I couldn’t be prouder of, but I also worked my ass off to create my own.
When I first started out I knew I wanted to play for the Hawks just like my old man did, and I wanted to be captain of the team the same way he was. But then I grew to want it forme.
If I truly still want it and to keep playing for the Hawks, I’m going to have to meet Jakobe halfway. More importantly, I have to keep my eye on Evan.
He’s playing a dirty game that I can’t allow him to win. I can play dirty, too, and be his worst motherfucking nightmare.
Evan won’t get away with what he did to me. I just have to find the right opportunity to strike back.
Right now, I need to cool off and get my focus back—get myold selfback.
The only time I’ve felt like me since this godforsaken disaster was last night.
Last night when I was withher. Venus.
She tamed the beast within that wants to rip Jakobe and Evan apart.
Being with her gave me an escape I craved as badly as an addict does for their next fix.
That girl was like magic. The spell she cast on me dug its claws into my brain.
For the hours we spent together I owned her, and she owned me, too.