Page 9 of Terror

“Who the fuck are you workin’ with?” I ask him again. “We all know this shit isn’t on you and you alone. You’d blow yourself up before you would have ever made that bomb ready to put on a vehicle. It’s too bad you only did one of our vehicles too. See, we all have cars and trucks parked here. Not to mention our bikes. By puttin’ a bomb on my wife’s car, you put an even bigger target on your back. As she said, only pussies go after women and kids.”

“You’ll never believe me if I tell you,” he cries out as Goose starts cutting up his legs.

“Try us,” Steel demands, stepping closer to the fucker.

“Mayor Horton. It’s all his fucking idea. This entire plan is his. He doesn’t feel as if he’ll be thought of because he makes himself appear to be such an upstanding citizen. Right now he’s got two girls in his house who are definitely minors. He beats, rapes, and tortures them until they give up,” Claw screams out, his voice echoing off the walls.

“The mayor. That’s interestin’. Good thing we’ve already been lookin’ into him for other shady shit. This will just be added to the list of things to dig up. Who made the bomb?” Goose questions, standing up and backing away from Claw.

“One of my men used to work with bombs in the military. It was easy to get him hooked on drugs and dependent on me for everything. He’s got several more waiting to go on each business and the rest of the vehicles here. We only do it when they’re in town so we don’t come near this place. He’s been workin’ on them for a long time so they’re absolutely perfect,” Claw informs us with a sneer on his face.

“How many men do you have workin’ with you?” I question as Steel steps up against the bitch.

“There’s only five of us left. When everyone knows we’ve got you stupid fucks comin’ after us, they don’t want to stick around. I don’t know why though. You’re all a bunch of pussies and no one should be scared of you,” Claw admits with a shaky voice.

Steel puts on a pair of brass knuckles and begins to beat the fuck out of Claw. He doesn’t hold back at all as he lands hits on his torso, jaw, and the shoulder that’s already dislocated. I listen as at least one of his ribs cracks when a few punches land against his side. Claw once again screams out in pain and tries to double over. He’s not able to, but it’s funny to watch him try to cover his body up so he can protect himself. The man really has no clue what the fuck to do with himself. He’s certainly not man enough to take this shit like a man instead of a bitch.

When Steel’s done, he steps back and lets Brick take his place. I watch as my brother-in-law’s face transforms to an evil smirk. He grabs a hammer from the tray and steps up.

“What else do you have to tell us?” Brick asks him, his voice cold and lethal while being void of any emotion.

“Marney is workin’ with Horton. She’s only comin’ here and the gym to get close to you guys. She’s to gather as much information as she can and take it back to the mayor. Once she’s fulfilled her role, Horton told her he’s gonna put her up in a large mansion and get her out of town. That’s not going to happen to her, but it’s what she believes,” Claw answers him as his eyes start to roll back in his head.

The Prospect grabs the water and tosses it in his face. It’s freezing cold water filled with ice. So not only is he getting cold water in his face, but he’s also getting hit with ice cubes. It’s funny as fuck watching him sputter and spew the water out of his mouth and nose. Shaking his head, Claw opens his eyes and focuses on the floor at his feet. Brick lets loose with the hammer and starts his attack. The first thing he takes out is Claw’s knees. The hammer lands perfectly on each knee and a horrible crunching sound fills the air around us. It’s followed closely by Claw’s screams echoing off the walls of the room we’re in. Brick doesn’t stop there though. He goes after every single joint he can with the hammer until Claw once again passes out. That’s when he steps back and puts the hammer on the tray where he got it from and steps back next to his dad.

Now, it’s my turn. I step up and make sure there’s nothing else we can learn from Claw. When he says there’s not, I pick up a knife and make more cuts and slices all over his torso. I even cut up his face. There isn’t an inch of skin I’ve left intact on this asshole. He tried to take Quinn from me. To kill our unborn child. That’s not something I’ll let go easily. Once there’s nothing more for me to cut up, I grab the salt and lemon juice. Rubbing it into the wounds I’ve created, I listen to his cries of pain and I’m filled with a sense of triumph for hurting him worse than what he did to my wife. However, I’m not done there.

Grabbing a bottle from the shelf, I make sure it’s what I want before walking around to his back. There’s cuts here I specifically didn’t put the lemon juice and salt in so I could do this.

“Are we ready to end this piece of shit?” I ask, looking around at the men surrounding me.

“Yeah!” they all cheer as I nod my head and begin dumping the contents of the bottle over the wounds in his back.

This isn’t lemon juice or alcohol I’m pouring in his wounds this time. It’s straight up acid. I’m extremely careful with the bottle and acid so none of it gets on me. Claw’s currently in so much pain he can’t even cry out or scream. His mouth opens on silent screams as I make my way back around the front of his body. The final thing I do before he dies is grab a knife after handing off the acid to the Prospect and cut his cock off. He’s used it countless times to hurt women so he doesn’t get to take that shit with him to hell.

“Rot in hell, motherfucker!” I call out to him as I step back and we watch Claw take his last breath. It doesn’t take long for him to die.

It’s still not good enough for Steel, Brick, Goose, or me though. Steel pulls out his gun and places a bullet right between Claw’s eyes. There’s no way in hell he’s gonna come back from this shit. We made a mistake with him once before and it won’t ever happen again. A calm washes over me knowing this stupid fuck will no longer be able to hurt my wife or anyone else. While we didn’t ask him about where the other five people were hiding out, there’s really no point. We all know he’s got plans in place in case he didn’t return to them today. They’ll disappear until Horton calls them to order once again.

“Goose, go up and do your thing to find out everythin’ you can on this mayor fucker. We’ll call church once everyone gets here tonight to fill them all in on what happened here today. For now, go back to work or do what you were doin’. Steel, are you still stickin’ around for a while?” I ask as we all go to clean up while the Prospects and Brick take care of the asshole’s body.

“We’re not headin’ home yet. I want to make sure my little princess is okay and that’s not gonna happen overnight. Gage knows I don’t plan on comin’ back soon. I’m here for as long as you need me. If this mayor wants to come after my daughter, I’ll be glad to help take his ass the fuck out,” Steel states with a hard edge to his voice.

Making my way to the showers down here, I strip down to nothing and leave my clothing in a pile on the floor in front of the stall I’m in. Washing my hair and body twice, I make sure there isn’t an ounce of evidence on me from what I’ve just done before rinsing off and getting out. Grabbing my personal things from the pocket of my jeans, I put the clothes I was wearing in a garbage bag as Steel does the same with his. Putting on new clothes and a pair of boots, I fill my pockets once more before going to grab my cut from the hook I placed it on. It’s time for me to go check on Quinn while she’s still at work. Maybe we can have lunch together or something. It doesn’t really matter to me as long as I get to spend time with her.

Chapter Seven


WE’RE SITTING IN church this morning to figure out the mess with the mayor of Cedar Bay and what we plan on doing with him. Our main concern is figuring out where the hell he has his victims so we can get them out and back to their family or where they want to go. Willow set up a fund for us to use to help those in need out and she’s already given her approval to get these women to safety by any means necessary. The ol’ ladies don’t know much about what’s going on, but they know enough to realize it’s not good. Especially Sami because she lived through this hell.

“Goose, what do you have on the mayor?” Venom asks, his voice hard and cold as he takes a sip of his coffee.

“He’s a fuckin’ slimeball. This man has been under investigation multiple times and always seems to get off on any official charges being filed against him. At least three police officers are in his pocket and go out of their way to find out what evidence is bein’ brought against him and everythin’ like that. These men are also the ones who were keepin’ Claw out of trouble. I’ve also got intel on two of the guys who were helpin’ Claw. One of them, Nathan, is Horton’s son who he doesn’t claim. He’s never claimed him at all. Name isn’t even on the birth certificate. The other guy is Tim. This fucker is Horton’s younger brother. He’s slow as hell and looks up to the mayor as if he walks on fuckin’ water.

“I’m not sure who the other three are, but one of them is the bomb maker Claw was tellin’ us about. The mayor uses these guys to do his dirty work so there’s less evidence to hold against him. I’ve combed over the blueprints for the mayor’s house. It seems he’s got some secret rooms that were added on after the blueprints were filed. I’m guessin’ those are the rooms where he holds his victims. At least the ones he keeps for his personal use. There’s also a warehouse in his son’s name. It’s on the outskirts of town and closer to where the Phantom Bastards set up their club. At this point, I believe we should pull them into this and have them deal with the warehouse while we take out the mayor at his house. Or at least get the victims away from him,” Goose says, putting the blueprints in the middle of the table for us all to look at.

“I can make that call. It’s been a while since we saw any of the guys from there. I’ll call Vault and see what he has to say,” Venom says, looking at the blueprints with the rest of us. “Did you find anythin’ on the mayor’s schedule so we can get in and out without him bein’ there?”