Page 31 of Terror

FOR THE LAST week, Rossi and his men have taken the information we’ve already gathered on Horton and the dirty cops and added even more to it. Not only have they used all of their resources to dig up more shit on the assholes, but they’ve also followed them and gotten evidence through pictures and digital recordings. Apparently Horton has been working in other towns thinking we won’t figure out that he’s got the cops and others taking more people off the streets and holding them in a different warehouse and a cabin that he has in his deceased wife’s name. We didn’t even know he had a wife who died. I don’t know why Goose didn’t manage to pick that shit up, but it was buried so deep none of his searches showed it at all.

Because of Rossi’s work, today is the day we’ve all been waiting for. Rossi turned everything we’ve got on Horton over to his contact in one of the agencies and they’ll be serving warrants to pick everyone up in less than an hour. You can bet your ass we’re all gonna be there to ensure they all know exactly who made sure these fuckers are putting them away. My only hope at this point is that Quinn doesn’t have to testify in any kind of trial. That’s the last thing she needs to go through. I don’t want Sami to have to testify either. That woman is still having nightmares and is reverting back into the shell she had when we first brought her home so many years ago.

About half of the women and others we rescued from the warehouse and Horton’s house have decided to go with Rossi when they leave. They don’t want to remain in Cedar Bay. There’s a chance for them to start over somewhere fresh without all of the memories and they’ve decided to take that opportunity. Tomasso has assured us they’ll get counseling, have their own place, and learn how to live again without the fear of being kidnapped, held hostage, and tortured on a daily basis. That’s all we want for them because it’s what they deserve. So, the ol’ ladies have been helping them pack up anything we’ve gotten them since they’ve been here with us and getting them ready to head out. Rossi rented two vans in order to take them all back with them. Tomasso has already made the phone calls he needed to make in order to get the apartments for them ready to go as well.

“Wicked!” Quinn calls out, her voice out of breath as she rushes into the common room. “Wicked, I just got a call from the hospital.”

My heart drops at the mention of a call from the hospital. Brindley has been doing really good but there’s always a chance for something to happen. We’ve seen it more often than not in the NICU when we’ve been in there with our daughter. Looking at my wife, I take in the tears sliding down her face, the large smile, and her eyes shining bright.

“What did they say?” I ask her as Steel and Harley make their way over to us.

“Our baby girl can come home today. She’s been off of her oxygen for a week and doesn’t need the light any longer. There haven’t been any other issues and she’s still eating really good. This afternoon she gets to officially be discharged and we can bring her home,” she says, more tears sliding down her face as she stops in front of me.

“Are you fuckin’ serious?” I ask, not wanting to get my hopes up for this not to happen.

“Yeah, babe. I literally just got off the phone with Andrea. She wanted me to know before we got up there for visiting hours so we can bring whatever we need to bring her home with us today,” she tells me as I stand up and pull her into my arms.

“What’s goin’ on over here?” Venom asks as he makes his way over to us.

“They get to bring Brindley home today,” Steel answers him as I hold my wife and let the tears fall down my own face.

This has been such a long few weeks and I honestly wasn’t sure we’d get to the point our baby girl could come home with us. Today, that becomes our reality and we get to leave with her. There is no more separation of our family and we don’t have to spend hours away from her each day. Today is the day our family becomes whole and we can begin our routine at home with Brindley. That’s very important to Quinn. She wants to get our girl on a schedule and keep her on it.

“That’s fuckin’ great news. Are you and Harley goin’ to the hospital with Quinn this mornin while we take care of that situation?” Venom asks Steel as I pull back from Quinn just enough to place a kiss against her lips.

“Yeah. Wicked needs to be with you guys to see this shit through so we’ll go with her. Just make sure he gets there before Brindley’s discharged so they can walk out as a family,” Steel says, his own voice filling with emotion.

“We will. Rossi just got an update and the warrants are gonna be served in less than a half hour. We need to head out. Half of us are gonna be at the mayor’s office while the rest will be at the police station. Wicked needs to be at the police station since that’s where Lopez is. That fucker is the first one they’re makin’ sure to put in handcuffs. Rossi’s pissed about what he’s done to Quinn and found so much shit on the twatwaffle. This isn’t the first time he’s done this shit or the first police station he’s worked for. There’s a history of behavior like what he pulled with Quinn. I don’t know how he got hired on here, but our cop friend is pissed as fuck,” Venom informs us as I pull back from my wife and look around the room for Brick.

Brick deserves to know his niece is coming home today.

“I’ll be ready to go. I’m ready now actually,” I tell Venom as I take my seat once again and pull Quinn down in my lap.

For the next fifteen minutes, we talk and I just enjoy the feeling of holding my wife in my arms. We’ve been through so much shit and today we can finally celebrate. It’s going to be so different knowing our little girl is home and that we’re getting up through the night with her and no one else is there to take care of her. For weeks, the nurses have been taking care of Brindley at night when we haven’t been there to do it ourselves. Now, it’s all on us and I’m ready for it. I can’t wait to be there for my baby girl and make sure she has everything she needs.

“Time to roll,” Venom calls out as I help Quinn off my lap and stand with her.

“I love you, baby. Go see our girl and I’ll be there as soon as I can. Give Brindley kisses for me and tell her daddy loves her,” I say, pulling Quinn close to me.

“I will. Stay safe and don’t do anything stupid. None of those fuckers can hurt us any longer. You make sure they get arrested so we don’t have to keep looking over our shoulders and can focus on Brindley,” she returns, leaning up to give me a kiss.

“I’ll stay safe. I guarantee Otter will be there with me and he won’t let me do anythin’ stupid. I’m sure Brick will be at the police station to. He wants to get his hands on Lopez so this will be the next best thing,” I tell her as Brick makes his way over to us.

“What’s goin’ on?” Brick asks as Quinn steps out of my arms.

“We get to bring Brindley home today. So, you guys do your thing, be safe, and get your asses to the hospital,” Quinn tells him, a large smile on her face.

“That’s the best fuckin’ news I’ve heard. Let’s get this shit done,” Brick says, giving Quinn a hug before we walk out of the clubhouse and head for our trucks.

I’m taking my truck with Brick riding along. Just before I get ready to pull out, my back doors open. Otter and Ghost get in the truck with us as I finally take off. There’s a long line of trucks heading through town as we all make our way toward the police station or Horton’s office. Cedar Bay is silent and no one is out in town this early in the morning. It’s like a ghost town as I drive down Main Street and head toward the police station. No one in my truck says a word as we all wait to watch this shit go down.

Pulling up in the parking lot at the side of the police station, I see two more trucks pull in next to me. The rest of them continue on and head to Horton. Everyone will know we had a hand in this shit and that’s exactly what we want. We’re not going to hide behind Rossi. If it weren’t for us, he wouldn’t have gotten the remaining information to put everyone away.

We all get out and lean against the side of my truck. Right now, we’ve got the perfect view as multiple cars pull into the parking lot and remain at the front of the police station. Men and women in suits and jackets proclaiming their agency get out and defer to a man from the first car. He has a folder in his hand as he looks around and our gaze meets. With a nod of his head, the man moves forward and starts walking into the police station. Everyone follows him and now it's just a matter of waiting for the pricks to be brought outside and put in the cars like they’ve done to so many.

A heavy silence fills the air as we all wait for the dirty cops to be brought out. After what feels like an eternity, the doors finally open and about fifteen cops are led out with their hands in handcuffs behind their back. Most of them are silent. In fact, all of them are with the exception of one. Lopez is yelling and acting like a little bitch as he’s led out last.

“You can’t fucking do this to me. Do you know who the fuck I am? I’m a police officer and haven’t done anything wrong. I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re doing, but I’m gonna have your damn jobs,” Lopez yells out as he frantically looks around. It doesn’t take him long for his gaze to land on us.