“I was supposed to be, but Quinn’s helping the guys move some product for the salt business, so Saga asked me to fill in for her.”
For a second, I want to ask why they called Quinn in to move boxes when she lives halfway across the island, but I don’t bother. I might always be willing to help, but I’m not strong enough to be of much use.
“Anyway,” Maren says. “I figured I’d sit here and start on the labels for the new salt scrubs.”
She turns her laptop towards me, and I lean over to take a look at her latest design work for Seb’s company, Saroan Salts.
“Youjuststarted this?” I ask, and she nods.
“They’re gorgeous.” I turn my head to read the labels. “I love the color palette.” The original line of salts have deep teal and white labels, but Maren has mocked these up in soft, dreamy pinks and purples, with gold foil setting the logo apart from the background.
“Aw, thanks. I wanted something that felt a little softer for the bath products. I think they’re gonna be a huge hit.”
“I’m sure.”
Maren moves through life like a hurricane. She’s had practically a dozen different careers already, and every time she sneezes it’s like a new product falls out. Seb’s business exploded after she came to the Fakaris, and the whole island is benefitting from their success.
“How were rounds?” she asks me, turning the laptop back towards her.
“Nothing special. I just came back to the shop to put together some new products for this week.”
“Cool, I’ll help!” She closes her laptop cheerfully.
I press a smile. Normally I love Maren’s effervescent personality and tendency to talk—and ask—about literally everything. But not today.
“Oh, it’s fine, it won’t be anything interesting. Stay here, focus on your work.”
“Please, I want to. I haven’t seen anybody all morning, and with the weather I don’t think anyone’s stopping in before Saga gets back. Let me keep you company before I leave to see Seb. Come on, you can teach me!”
“Okay,” I say reluctantly. There’s no way I’d win a disagreement with Maren, evenifI knew how to speak up for myself. I head for the curtain separating the storefront from the workshop, and she follows me in.
The scent hits me as soon as we enter. Rose water, cardamom, and shea butter. Along one wall are heavy apothecary cabinets made of deep brown walnut; against the other, a white countertop wraps around half the room, with a large kitchen island in the middle. I see Saga’s left out some stainless steel bowls and measuring cups on top, presumably for the healing salves for Kieran’s rite.
“What are we making?” Maren asks, picking up a bottle of essential oil from the apothecary cabinet. “Please say it’s lip balm. These winters are killing me.”
“Not today. I’m making some salves for Kieran, since his rite is coming up. And I want to make some creams for me.”
“Ooh, fun!” she says, putting the vial down. “Just for self-care?”
“Uh, yeah. Something scented,” I say, reaching for the bergamot, grapefruit, and cedarwood essential oils—the most powerful scent-masking oils we have. I put them next to the clean silver mixing bowls on the island, along with coconut oil and cocoa butter. Then, for Kieran’s salve, I walk back to the shelves and take down three large jars of amber liquid.
“What’s that?” Maren asks.
“These are almond oil infusions I started on a few weeks ago,” I say, bringing them to the table. “Calendula, plantain, and comfrey. If you mix them with beeswax, you make a nice balm that’s good for burns and skin irritation.”
“You think he’ll getburnedup there?”
“Honestly, I don’t know. But we always make it, just in case.”
“Damn, this place is crazy. I have no idea why you put yourselves through this. Well. I guess I do.” A shadow falls over her face.
“Hey, it’s okay,” I say, trying to make my voice reassuring. “Kieran would be doing this anyway, even if you and Seb hadn’t met.”
“Right. But he’s doing itnowbecause we met, right? So, in a way…”
She shakes her head side-to-side with a guilty expression, as if to sayIt’s my fault.
“No, it’s just how pack life is. As soon as the younger members of afikastart finding their mates, you choose three to do the rite, so we have enough council seats to get our ownfikarigsomeday. Seb only did his early because his dad died, and we wanted to make sure we could keep our currentfikarigif anything happened. If it weren’t for that, he’d be the one going into the ring this week, not Kier.”