Page 108 of In Her Own Rite

Just then, Maren walks into the kitchen through the arch behind Saga. She eyes the massive pile of scrambled eggs on the stove and then looks at me, a huge smile brightening up her face.

“Is today the day?”

I nod, and she squeals and jumps up and down, clapping her hands together.

“Oh my God, this is so exciting. When do we start preparing for the ceremony? Seb and I were gonna go look at somefikarigsnear the north shore today, but we can totally cancel.”

“Oh, no, don’t bother. I need someone to help me with stretching in the afternoon, but we won’t start the preparations until seven or eight.”

“Okay, good, because I’m low-key excited to see the houses.” She walks to the stove to start piling her plate with food.

“Send me photos,” I say. “We’re looking at a place for four families, right?” Seb and Maren, Gabe and his future partner, Kier and me, and, tentatively, Quinn if she wants to join.

Maren nods happily. “I’m so psyched. With the salt scrubs doing so well and the houses we have available here, we have way more than enough money for something great. And we can renovate it to make it perfect.”

“And if youcan’tmake it perfect, you girls can always stay with us a little longer,” Saga says gently.

“We’re not in any rush,Aja,” I say—though that feels less true now than it did a few months ago, with how much the guys have been bickering with ourfikaelders. “But it’s exciting to take the next step in all our lives together. Especially now that two of us have found our mates.”

Maren grins at me as she sits down at the table. “I fucking told you. Atthis very table, might I add, when you came down after you and Kier—”

“Heij, heij, none of that,” I say, laughing nervously and looking between her and Saga. None of the adults need to know what happened in the library. Twice now.

Saga smiles. “It seems like you two would benefit from some girl time. I’m going to speak to Helen about thekattakaceremony. Emerson, if I don’t see you before tonight—good luck.”

“Thanks, Saga,” I say, and take a bite of my eggs.

The day passes quickly.I take my rite salts in the morning, and Kier and I go on a walk to help steady my nerves. He leaves just after, since he has to stop by Halssel to send a few orders to the mainland this morning.

I get back to the common house in the early afternoon. Quinn helps me with stretching my hamstrings and quads, which are always tight, and then I go into my day-of ritual: scrub, sauna, cold plunge. Around seven, Seb, Maren, and Gabe make their way to the common house and help me get on my fighting gear.

I strap my clothes on. A base layer with magnetic snaps for shifting; body armor; a loose sweater overtop. The pants can accommodate shifting, too, and we attach a knife to each leg so I have options. Maren braids my hair into a tight crown around my head, since a ponytail or loose braid can be used against me in the ring. Once she’s done, Seb takes a few minutes to go over strategy with me.

“Don’t shift too early, before you can think about it critically,” he says. “Though I don’t think that’ll be an issue with you. And you can use your healing power to help yourself, but I’d wait until you get near the end and feel like you’re losing.”

“Got it,” I say.

“And remember: the ancestors are trying to uncover your greatest weakness. Whatever you see is going to mess with you. You may think you know what to expect, but they could always surprise you. Don’t let your default behavior take over. Take the time to think. Be smart.”

“Okay,” I say, trying to take it in.

Quinn and I go over some last-minute self-defense combinations, though I think it’s mostly to take the edge off my nerves and not because I need the practice—I won’t be able to remember anything new I learn today, anyway. Finally, just after nine, it’s time.

Quinn and Maren each hug me goodbye.

“Good luck, girl,” Maren says, pulling me close. “You’re not gonna need it.”

“Thanks,” I say, and squeeze her tight. “And thanks for always being in my corner.”

They leave the locker room, and then it’s just me and Seb.

“Nervous?” he asks.

I take a breath, checking my gut.

“Yeah,” I say honestly. “I guess. But I’m also… I don’t know. I’m kind of excited, as weird as that sounds.”

His brow furrows. “Yeah?”