I have so much to tell you, I want to say.
I’m grown now. I’m becoming a healer, like Saga.
I have a man who loves me, and I love him more than anything.
You’d be so proud of me, Mom.
“Come back.” My voice is quiet now, broken. “Please, come back.”
But she’s gone and I’m alone, standing at the edge of the forest. Wondering what would have happened if I’d been brave enough to follow when she asked.
When I wake up, it’s close to ten. I stretch and roll over to find the space next to me in bed is empty.
“Em?” I call out. Nothing.
The adrenaline jolts through me immediately.
“Em, where are you?”
There’s no reply, and I jump out of bed and rush out into the hall.
“Emerson,” I call out. She’s not in the blue room, so I go down the stairs. I’m relieved when the scent of her hits me as I enter the kitchen. She’s in the house, at least. Finally, I find her, sitting on a chair at the dining table, knees up to her chest.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask, coming towards her. She looks up at me. Her eyes are rimmed with pink, and I can see she’s been crying.
“Are you…” I don’t know how to ask. “Did something happen? Did you… did you change your mind?”
I see a flicker of confusion in her eyes. “About us? Oh, no.”
I let out a sigh of relief, embarrassed the thought crossed my mind. I pull out a chair and sit down across from her, leaning forward.
“What’s wrong? Are you scared? Is this about the attack on the harbor?”
She shakes her head. “I… Kier, I saw my mom.”
I can practically feel my heart stop. “What? Where?”
“At the edge of the forest, outside.”
“You wentoutside?” I ask, and instantly feel bad.Come on, man. Get yourself in check.
“I don’t want to do this right now,” she says, shaking her head.
“You’re right, you’re right. Okay. What happened?”
“She told me something.”
Agaayu. My mind flashes through the things her mother said to me in the ring. Words I can’t get out of my head. The things I’m afraid they mean.
You can't save her, you know.
You can't take her destiny from her.
He's here, Kieran. And hewillfind her.