Page 64 of My Anti-Hero

I was rusty, but I’d need to get sharp again.



I was on my way out of the physical therapy room when Callie approached. She’d spent a good hour on my knee earlier and was usually gone for the day by now, so I paused, waiting to see what she had to say.

She crossed her arms, her eyes shifting to the ceiling. “Just got a call from PR. You’re wanted up there.”

Shit. Kim.

But Callie was avoiding my eyes, and she didn’t do that. Usually, if she had something to say, she said it and moved on.

“What’s going on with you?” I asked.

Her eyes flicked to mine, her expression wary. Her hands slid into her pockets. “Nothing…”

I grunted. “Out with it.”

A grin flickered over her face before she shook her head, rolling her eyes. “It’s nothing, honestly. Just…who was that woman at Jack’s?”

I raised my eyebrows. “We’re that type of friends?”

She swore, laughing. “I was only wondering. That’s all.”

“Who was your friend?”

She pressed her lips together, shifting back on her feet.

I laughed, moving past her. “That’s right. That’s what I thought. You want a gossip session, you gotta ’fess up too.”

Stone Reeves and Colby Doubard were leaving the next room, and Stone called my name.

I lifted my chin. “PR called me up.”

Colby winced. “I, uh, I’m not here.” He darted around me, going into the locker area.

Stone started laughing.

“What’s that about?”

“Uh…” Stone grimaced, still trying not to laugh. “He got himself in a situation. The PR heads weren’t happy. He’s still smarting from it, I think.”

I remembered Kim mentioning something about a Colby-sized hole.

“But hey…” Now he officially looked uncomfortable, even a bit green. “Listen, I promised Dust I’d bring this up to you. Since we had dinner last year with the Kades, she’s been on a mission to find you a wife. She doesn’t approve of the friends of the other players’ girlfriends, and she’s been looking for someone to set you up with. That’s why I’m here.”

“Ah…” It was obvious to everyone with eyes that Stone would’ve rather run a marathon than have this conversation with me, but I knew his wife. Dusty Reeves had a good heart. She was happy and wanted everyone else to be happy. I’d gone over to their place for dinner a couple times, but nothing beyond that. Dusty had a mission to bring me into their group of friends, and she meant well, but I operated better on my own. Always had.

She also had a mission in life to rescue every sea creature there was in the world, and I wondered if she thought of me as a broken sea turtle in some way.

“She found someone, and she wants you to come over for dinner tomorrow night.” Stone scrubbed a hand over his face. “Please tell me you’ve met someone, because that’s the only excuse she’ll take for you not coming to dinner. Colby and Jake are coming, so you won’t be alone. Dusty’s set them all up too.”

There had to be some good stories there. “Actually, I have met someone.”

The relief on our star wide receiver’s face was comical. “Thank God,” he muttered.

“Let your wife know I appreciate the thought, but I’ll be passing on dinner tomorrow night.”