Page 42 of My Anti-Hero

Bang! Bang!

I screamed.

Someone was outside Brett’s window, a flashlight shining in.

Someone was outside my window, another flashlight shining over our faces.

Brett cursed.

Then my phone rang, and I screamed all over again.

Jesus Christ. What was happening?

“It’s the cops.” Brett took my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze before he rolled his window down. “Can I help you?”

I made no move to roll my window down, and the other cop seemed okay with that, his narrowed eyes studying me intently.

My phone kept ringing, so I pulled it out. Lo. “Hello?”

The cop and Brett were conversing, but Travis withstanding, cops made me nervous so I focused on the phone instead.

“Where are you? You’ve been ignoring my texts. Travis said you took off with Brett Broudou? Are you serious? He came back to the table, all heartbroken and—” Roger said something in the background. She responded, her voice sounding far away, before coming back, more clear. “Roger said he wasn’t heartbroken, but his ego was bruised. Oh, come on.” That was to Roger again. “This was his second date with her, and the second time Broudou swooped in. Which, by the way,” she was louder, talking to me. “You left with him. That means we have to meet him. You know that, right? I left you alone, promised Roger I’d let you have your time with him, but it’s almost ten, and no one’s heard from you.” Roger said something again, and whatever it was made Lo huff, annoyed. “Enough’s enough. Where are you? Are you coming home tonight?”

Roger spoke again behind her, laughing.

Lo cursed under her breath. “I mean, to your home. Because we’re not there. We’re not waiting for you in Mom and Dad’s driveway.”

They had a babysitter. Lo had wanted to stay out late tonight, dancing. But I left… “You’re sitting on my patio, aren’t you?”

The conversation happening to my left suddenly paused, and I looked over. Brett, his wallet in hand, and the cop were both looking at me. I couldn’t read either of their expressions and told them, “She’s like my sister. They’re waiting for me. Everything’s okay.”

“Who are you talking to?” Lo asked. “Also, I am your sister. Just freaking accept it, would you?”

Brett blinked, putting his wallet away.

I frowned. “Is something wrong?”

“Who’s that? Are you talking to Brett?” Lo demanded.

“The police are here,” I told her.

“Police?! Where are you? Are you at Brett’s? Why would the police be there?”

“No. We’re on a road, not far from home. And I don’t know why they’re here.”

“Who’s there?” Roger asked.

Lo told him, and he said something else. “What? Are you serious? You called the cops on them?”

I frowned into the phone. “He did what?”

Roger was speaking, “…didn’t know it was them. Parked truck by here? You know how it is.”

Lo cursed again before a slight laugh escaped her. “Um… Roger—”

I said it for her. “Roger called them on us?”

“Yeah. Sorry. You know how it is, with you being here and someone stalking the place.” She tried to smother a giggle, but didn’t succeed. “He didn’t know he was calling the cops on you.”