Page 147 of My Anti-Hero

He went out of the pocket, and I shot to my feet, holding my breath because he was scrambling.

Combs, the Orcas’ defensive end who was a nightmare, Brett’s counterpart, went right at him. No one blocked him.

I was screaming, my beer long forgotten.

Doubard kept running, twisting, and—

“He’s going for it!” Travis was up, yelling next to me.

I could breathe again.

The ball was passed to Foreman, and he got three yards.

These plays gave me heart palpitations. All the crushing and roughness until a play worked and then a magical opening appeared, and boom. The running back broke free and ran for it. I loved those plays.

We were on our third down and only gained two more yards. If they didn’t make something happen with the next play…

Doubard got the snap, fell back, and launched it.

I was yelling. Travis was yelling.

It was gorgeous to watch, a perfect throw dropping to his chest like a baby to cradle. The defensive back assigned to him was behind by three yards. Stone had him. The guy wouldn’t be able to catch him.








The Kings fans in the stadium erupted.

Roger cried out, “Oh hell yeah!” and launched himself at us.

“Dude.” Travis moved in, grabbing Roger and hauling him off us.

Lo was laughing, tears in her eyes, and she had to hold on to me. “I’m so sorry about my husband.”

Travis was irritated, but catching our reactions, he shook off the anger.

It was almost mesmerizing to see how he could discard one façade and pull on a new one. Like discarding a shirt and pulling on a new one. So easy. He puffed out his chest, shaking his head, and took hold of Roger’s shoulder. “Let’s not cause any injuries here. Maybe stop fucking your wife’s foam finger with your foam finger. We’re trying not to attract attention, remember.”

Roger laughed it off.

I glanced in Travis’ direction, still grinning, but spying his face, that faded.

He was pissed.

A darkness flashed briefly as he shook it off, a grin flashing to me. I was startled. It hadn’t been the first time I witnessed that from him. There was something underneath his cop exterior, and my gut twisted together.

I frowned, seeing him through a new lens.