Page 87 of My Anti-Hero

“Wha—” Billie started laughing.

It was a little worrisome how that sound from her made me want to move mountains to keep her from whatever had her mom worried. But I sighed, knowing this was probably something we needed to tackle sooner than later, whatever it was.

Still, though, I went and lifted her up.

“Brett.” She laughed again, her voice a little breathless.

She wrapped her arms around me and wound her legs around my waist.

My hand fell to her ass, cupping her, holding her up that way as I went back into the bathroom and opened the shower door.

“What? No. Not again. We have to go.”

I turned the shower on, set her on her feet, and rubbed a hand down her arm. “I can’t speak for you, but I didn’t shower after practice. At least one of us needs to get clean before heading out there.”


I tested the water. It was warm, so I stepped inside.

She squealed, shoving off me and jumping back.

She stood on the other side of the door, dumbfounded.

“In or out, Billie.” I held both of my hands up. “I’ll behave. I promise.”

Something was going on that waited for us when we got to the farm, and a part of me wanted to stall. I wanted to prolong the time before Billie would have to face whatever it was, just for a little bit.

Her eyes darkened, and she toyed with her bottom lip, her hand playing with the bottom of her shirt. She groaned, then whisked it off and stepped inside with me.

We were going to be a little bit more late.




There was a squad car at Vicky and Howard’s house when we arrived.

My heart dropped.

Brett held my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

“Why’s a cop here?” I asked, but I knew Brett couldn’t answer. I wanted to think it was Travis, that he was here for a surprise party and hadn’t hidden his car well enough. That wasn’t true, though. Travis was a detective. He wouldn’t be arriving in a squad car.

We pulled in, and the front door opened as I rounded Brett’s truck.

Vicky came out first, followed by their lawyer. I stopped in my tracks. What was she doing here?

Brett was behind me. I wanted to step back, lean all my weight on him, knowing he would hold me up, but I couldn’t. Whatever this was, it was the beginning of the universe taking away all the good in my life. I knew it. I felt it.

Me being with Brett—me letting myself be with Brett—had tipped the scales.

It was too much good. I wasn’t allowed too much good.

I started to tremble, and Brett’s hand came to the small of my back. That touch centered me, and I drew in a breath.

“Willow.” Their lawyer was a woman, with dark red hair that looked like burnt amber. I’d always been jealous. She was so beautiful. Pale, but clear skin with a light smattering of freckles. Green eyes. She wasn’t a petite woman. She had big bones and some weight on her, but it worked for her. Towering over me by a couple inches, she wore a business skirt and silk top that matched the color of her skin. She was one of those women who knew how to exude power and use her sensuality as a weapon.