Page 54 of My Anti-Hero

I rested my forehead to his. “I’m so sorry. I never thought they’d come out here.”

“That’s the sister?” Brett lowered me, his hands going to my hips. His fingers flexed against me.

“That’s Lo. She’s, uh…”

“She’s a Travis fan?”

I looked up, frowning. “How do you know that?”

There was amusement in his gaze as he gestured toward the house. “Glimpsed the whole gang before you came out. They were clocking me all the way in. She was the only one not liking this. The rest looked okay with it. The little girls were confused. They were on the other side of the house, so I hope they didn’t see our greeting.”

“Oh.” It made sense why Lo would come out then.

“She thought you were introducing me to Miss Sylvia Rivera?”

As if hearing her name, a loud cluck cluck cluuuck sounded from the coop. The rest of my embarrassment melted away, and I stepped back, taking his hand. “I’ll introduce you another time, when it’s right.”

“It’s not the right moment now to meet your chickens?”

I huffed lightly. “Not for Miss Sylvia Rivera or Marsha P. Johnson. It has to be a whole experience. Plus, I’ve not even told you about the rest of them.”

His fingers laced through mine, squeezing my hand. “Then I can’t wait. It’ll be magical.”

I huffed again, louder and with some indignation. “Damn straight it will be.”

He laughed. “Oh, you’re serious.”

I shot him a look, leading him back around to the house. As we came into sight, the curtain on the back door swished closed, and I caught movement in the other back window. They were hurrying to the kitchen.

When we stepped inside, everyone had arranged themselves. The girls were standing ramrod straight in front of the kitchen counter, where the ice cream was sitting. They were staring at us, but their heads lifted as they took in Brett.

Howard and Vicky were by the sink, pretending to be leaning back against it. As I looked their way, both cleared their throats, a flash of guilt flooding their faces before Vicky came forward with a polite smile.

“You must be Brett.” She held her hand out. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

Brett transferred me to his left side so he could hold my hand and shake Vicky’s at the same time. He said something to her, but I was distracted by Lo and Roger in the dining room. Roger was openly gaping at Brett while Lo’s eyes were fixed on our hands.

I cleared my throat—had to do it twice before her gaze jerked up to mine. Howard now came forward and introduced himself to Brett. Lo and I were in an unspoken conversation.

My eyebrows went up to say, What were you doing?

She shrugged, looking away, but the color was high on her cheeks.

I growled low in my throat before stepping out of the way as Roger bulldozed past his wife and past me, his hand in the air, waiting for Howard to finish shaking Brett’s hand.

““Heyahowyadoing? I’m Roger. I know this one here.” His head dipped toward me, but he kept talking. “Can I just say how awesome and amazing it is to meet you? When you broke free from Hawkins’ hold last year in the AFC championship and you slammed Bent to the ground on their fourth and one, I went hoarse from yelling so loud. It was awe-some! And you kept going after him. He was so frustrated with you by the end of the first half. All the announcers were talking about it. Quarterbacks fear you, and it’s the best thing ever to have you on our side, finally. You were a nightmare to play against.” He had to stop to take a breath, his hand had taken hold of Brett’s and was still pumping it in the air.

“Uh…” We all spoke up at once—Lo, myself, and Vicky.

Vicky laughed as Lo and I quieted, and she gestured behind her. “Brett, can I call you Brett?”

“Please.” He was laughing, trying to hold it back, and I reached forward to pry Roger’s hand away from his. I had to let go of Brett’s other hand to do so, but he caught my side.

Lo sucked in her breath, her eyes now transfixed at that.

“Lo, dear, why don’t you take your husband outside so he can get ahold of himself? He’s fanboying a bit too much. His girls don’t know what’s happened to their father.”

Luna snorted, giggling.