Page 51 of My Anti-Hero

I lowered my phone. “No?”

“I don’t think so.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You don’t think so?”

“You heard me.” She nodded. “Text him. I want to see this special magical effect he has over you.”

“We just had a conversation about how you were going to give me space.”

“I did, all afternoon until I saw how you were looking at the TV when your man was running around in those tight pants.” She shook her head. “Straight up eye candy. Come on. I’ll give you space, but I want to be here. That’s it.” She let out a frustrated sigh. “It’s texting. It’s not like I’m going to overhear you.”

I scowled. “Still want my privacy.”


“It’s too new.”

She rolled her eyes and gave in. I felt it as she pushed herself back up from the couch. “Okay, okay. Text him. I’ll be out on your side patio thing.”

“I will be right out.” My tone was stern, which earned me another eye roll and a twitch of her lips as she passed behind me, making a show of shutting the door.

I’d just started to text again when the phone came alive, ringing in my hand.

Brett calling.

I answered. “Hi. I was just going to text you.”

The noise on his end was deafening. “You were? What were you going to say?”

“Where are you?”

“I’m still on the field. I need to do some interviews, but listen, I’ll be able to get out of here in like an hour or so. Maybe shorter. What are you doing for dinner?”

“Brett,” I started.

“Hold on.” He must’ve done something because the background noise faded dramatically. His voice was clearer. “This is better. Did you say something?”

“Congratulations on the win.”

“Hey!” I swore I could hear his smile. “You watched?” He laughed. “Of course you did. I forgot for a second how much you like football.”

“I can safely say that I’m speaking on behalf of most of Texas in saying thank you. You were phenomenal.”

He laughed again, the warm sound washing over me. “Thank you. I mean that. But it wasn’t just me. The whole team got the W.”

“You helped a lot.”

“Brett!” someone called on his end.

A static sound took over, the drone of his voice sounding next, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying or who he was talking to. The static left, and he said clearly, to someone else, “Okay. Give me a second. I’ll be right there.” Then he spoke to me. “I have to go, but do you want to do dinner? I’ll do whatever you want. Can you let me know what you want? I want to see you. My place, your place, or somewhere else, just text me. I can pick you up too. I’m easy. You pick. Is that okay?”

“Yeah. I’ll text you.”

“Awesome, and it’s fucking phenomenal to hear your voice. Thank you, baby.”

He ended the call.

I was left speechless.