Page 48 of My Anti-Hero

“I mean, to keep this in perspective, we’ve not even gone on a first date.”

“I know, but you walked out on Travis twice. Travis. He’s, like, the catch.”

“I know, but—”

“But you must have some intense chemistry with this other guy.”

“I do.” I widened my eyes. “It’s a lot sometimes.”

She bumped her shoulder into mine before stepping away. “You have no idea how much I was going to enjoy rubbing it in Missy Smith’s face that Travis was seeing my sister. She’s been after him for years.”

I knew all about Missy Smith, Lo’s arch nemesis from the parents’ circle at the church and also the planner for most of their fundraisers and events. She’d been single for two years since her husband cheated on her with a waitress at their country club. He was now married to that waitress, and according to the church gossip chain, she’d gotten a boob job.

When Lo told me things like that, I was glad I chose not to attend their church.

I shrugged. “You can tell her we went on a couple dates. She doesn’t need to know anything else.”

Lo considered that, her head lifting. “I can stretch it out. Technically, you went on two dates. I’ll drop one date at a time on her, let her stew on that.”

“You’re a bit sadistic.”

“Yep.” She threw an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into her side. “That’s why if anyone comes for you, they’ll turn tail and run because they won’t be ready for me.” An evil laugh came out of her before it subsided into a genuine chuckle. She squeezed me one more time, then let me go. “I know Travis. He’s steady. He can protect you, and he’s a good guy. I don’t know this Brett Broudou except that he’s a professional footballer, and he got on Travis’ nerves like I’ve never seen.”

That explained things a bit more.

“I’m sure Trav gets mad, but I’ve only seen him mad once,” she continued. “A guy got drunk and was trying to drive home from a charity function at the country club until Travis stopped him. He got real pissed.” She flashed me a grin. “And it was hot. I got permission from Roger to say that. He thought Travis was hot in that moment too.”

I snorted. We were cresting the hill where we could see the end of the driveway. “Do me a favor? Give me some space so I can get to know Brett? I want to try.”

We both paused because this was as far as we usually went. If we went farther, we wouldn’t be able to see the girls. The game was starting soon as well.

“Define space?”

I growled.

She laughed, giving me a hug. “I’m kidding. I’ll back off. I promise.” She stepped away. “I’ll try to back off. I will attempt to try to back off.”

I growled again.

“I’ll back off.” She held her hands up in surrender before gazing back at the girls. She groaned. “Right there. I don’t understand why she just doesn’t squeeze the brake. It’s like she forgets and decides to use the fence post instead. We’re going to end up in the emergency room today, I’m telling you.” She started back, grumbling.

I began to go after her but paused.

A truck was parked on the road, not too far away. It was tucked off to the side.

Parked trucks weren’t uncommon. Hunters liked to scope out the land, and sometimes they’d track down Howard to ask if they could hunt around here. His response was always no. Howard liked to say he was keeping the land for himself and his son-in-law, but the truth was that neither Howard nor Roger hunted, though I’d never asked why not. I liked that they weren’t hunters.

Seeing a truck there shouldn’t have given me a pause, but Brett’s words were still in my head from Friday night.

“…some sick fuck could get curious, trek out here, and find you.”

That’s why a cold tingle formed at the bottom of my spine.

Brett put the thought in my head.

It was only because of that.