Page 44 of My Anti-Hero

My blood heated. “He owns a gun, and he’s used it before.”


“To protect me.”

“Against who?”

I felt like I was taking blows. “From reporters when they were trying to find where I lived.”

“He’s already had to use it to protect you from reporters? The press? Who’d love to find out where you live so they can share it for more views.”

My head was ringing. “They didn’t find out because those seventy acres are private property. They can’t get close to the house, much less close enough to see the guesthouse, which again, is camouflaged so no one would look twice at it.”

“Except some real fuck who doesn’t give a shit about trespassing if he’s there to murder you.”

I winced again. “Just because you’re surrounded by other houses doesn’t mean your place is safer.”

“I’m in a gated community inside another gated community. And we have a security car that patrols the area.”

“Oh.” Well. “I’ve been safe so far.”

He smothered a curse.

The throb in my head was going to turn into a migraine soon. I knew the progression, knew the red flags. “Just take me home.”

He growled. “I still need to know where to drive you.”

I told him, and we made the short drive in silence. Lo and Roger bypassed us on the road just before we got to the driveway. The main house was dark, which was a relief right now. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, much less field questions about Brett, who I wasn’t happy with.

He parked behind the house.

“Thank you for the drive.” I started to open the door, intending to slide out and run inside to my home, which had made me feel safe for the last decade.

“Wait.” He touched my arm lightly. His tone had gentled, and I heard a twinge of regret. “I’m sorry. I—this is fast for me too.”

I didn’t let go of the door handle, but I didn’t slip out either.

“The thought of you out here, and now knowing there are sick fucks who’d like to find you, it’s making me a little nuts.”

I looked back at him. “A little?”

He gave me a slight grin before grimacing. “I get protective of people I care about.”

People he cares about… He cared about me.

The throbbing headache lifted. The warmth came back, soothing it, spreading inside me. I focused on his lips, letting go of the door handle. “I’m sorry I got snippy.”

He shook his head, his eyes going to my mouth. “We’re just getting to know each other. This is going to happen.” His eyes lifted to mine, and the somber look there struck me deep, closing my throat for a second. “I’m not going to push my luck, especially because the light just turned on outside the main house, and I’m pretty sure your Howard has a rifle in his hand inside the door, but I’ll call you tomorrow?”

“Or I’ll call you.”

He flashed me a smile, making me feel all sorts of wonderful things. “Even better.”


He nodded. “’Night. And fair warning, I’m not leaving until you’re inside your place.”

“Okay,” I whispered.