Page 25 of My Anti-Hero

I’d learned over the years to stall when Lo got in these moods. It meant she had an opinion, a strong one, and she was going to share it whether I wanted it or not. She’d do a lecture that would somehow end on a motivational quote.

I didn’t think I had the energy for any of that, so I did what any mature, responsible, courageous adult would do.

I ran.

Though, to give myself credit, as she knocked briefly on the front door, I was slipping out the back. Because, you know, the trail that cut through the woods and went around to the side of the main house, it needed to be checked. Weeds or trees might’ve fallen over it and would need to be cleaned up. Plus, it was good to check for any signs of a fox, or coyotes, or hogs, or bobcats, or snakes, you know. Just in case.

Totally being responsible here. I needed to protect the hens.

“Where’d she go?” Lo asked, the screen door slamming behind her.

“I don’t know. She’s not there?” Roger said.

I picked up my pace. They’d check the chickens next.

“Maybe she’s in the coop.”

I broke out of the treeline right as they ducked inside, a flurry of clucks filling the air. I went into the main house through the side door.

“Give me a job. I’ve been here this whole time,” I said in a rush, grabbing an apron and tying it on as I went into the kitchen.

Vicky was at the counter, and she didn’t break stride. “They called thirty minutes ago, asked if you were here. The girls are at gymnastics, so I invited them for dinner.” She picked up the pot of potatoes and met my gaze. Her eyes were blank, but I sensed the dark humor swirling behind that wall.

“Uh-huh. Sure you did.” My tone was dry, but we both knew I was teasing.

Vicky broke first, a slight grin showing. “You didn’t call her in time, huh?”

I sighed, pulling out the silverware. “I got busy with work. Had a last-minute emergency, that type of thing.”

“Anything you need to talk about?” She stopped at the screen door, her back to it, still holding the potatoes.

I shook my head. “Nope. It’s all good.”

“Grab the paper plates and plastic cups. We’ll eat out here tonight.”

That meant my whole sneak-around was for nothing. When we had dinner outside, no one moved. It was too comfortable and sitting around the patio table meant drinks and loose tongues. The lecture I thought I’d escaped would still happen. I’d just have an audience.

I didn’t know why I was hiding from Lo.

She would’ve talked to Travis, gotten his side of the night. By now she’d heard all about Brett, the same Brett who’d come on strong, texted me, made me feel all sweet and warm, and who I’d not heard a word from today. That Brett.

He should be doing the courting. That was the word Vicky and Howard used, and it stuck because it was the truth. The getting-to-know-you stage in the beginning was supposed to be the guy’s job. If he was willing to do that work, it showed how important you were to him.

Therefore, I felt it was important to wait for him to text.

I wanted to see if he followed through on what he promised, another thing that said a lot about a guy. But who knew if I was right to wait or not. The two relationships I’d been in had been good. Safe. I’d felt pleasant enough around them, but the spark hadn’t stayed, and both had ended because we were better friends than lovers. So maybe it was me? Maybe I was doing something wrong?

But that wasn’t really true.

I didn’t date because I hadn’t wanted to. My life’s purpose wasn’t to get married, have kids, get a certain type of house. I’d seen too much already, and knew that vision could be bullshit. My life’s purpose was to feel safe, and I did at Vicky and Howard’s, with the hens close by. That was good enough for me.

“Mom—” Lo shouted, from the coop, by the sound of it.

Vicky cut her off, shouting back, “She’s in the kitchen.” A beat later, she spoke normally, “You would’ve known that if you’d checked the house first. She’s been here all afternoon, helping me out.”

Vicky totally had my back. Go Vicky. I loved Vicky.

“Uh-huh. I’m sure.” Lo’s tone was dry, like mine had been earlier.