Page 188 of My Anti-Hero

I quickly stood in front of her, and I held the knife up, testing it in my hand. “Ben, I’ve taken lessons on Arsin knife fighting. I’m not the best, but I know enough—”

He stood, his chest heaving, the blood quickly pooling around his feet, but he was still steady and he exhaled a deep breath. “You should know better considering our childhood.” He bent down, and pulled out a gun that was in a hidden ankle holster.

I couldn’t do anything.

If he’d been a lesser fighter, I could’ve thrown the knife at him. Maybe.

Ben was too good. I’d recognized it when I fought him, and he raised the gun toward me, a flicker in his eyes before he aimed it at Vicky. The safety was turned off, and his finger went to the trigger.

I couldn’t—no. Not again. I lunged toward him, and at the same time—BANG!

I was in front of him.

Time slowed down, and I looked up, my eyes meeting his. His were alarmed, but mine—I didn’t know what mine looked like, but I wasn’t just seeing Ben anymore.

Images flashed in my mind, coming at breakneck speed.

Brett telling me he loved me.

Us kissing.

Me crying.

As we held onto each other on the picnic table in Roussou.

Talking to Stevie on the couch.

At the football game, laughing with Lo and Roger.

Travis grinning at us.

Brett sacking the Orcas’ quarterback.

Then they sped up even more…

The first time I slept at Brett’s.

The first time he slept at my place.

The day Lo and I walked and talked on the driveway.

Luna crashing her bike into the fence, on purpose.

Brett coming for Sunday night dinner.

Jack’s BBQ with Brett.

The alley with Brett.

The street where Brett protected me from teenagers.

When I stumbled and Brett caught me on the show.

When I walked past and saw Brett for the first time.

Coffee with Vicky, with Miss Sylvia Rivera in my arms.

When I first met Miss Sylvia Rivera.