Page 173 of My Anti-Hero

The guy jerked ahead, starting for us.

I stopped him with a look, mouthing ‘no.’

He stopped, but his face twisted up. He really did not know Brett that well. That was now obvious, but I did and I ran a hand down the side of Brett’s arm. He tensed, but he didn’t move away. His head moved down, his mouth and beard nuzzling against my throat. I tilted my head to the side, giving him more access, and he pressed in harder to me, his dick nearly entering me through our clothing.

I felt him shuddering.

And I felt this different beast in him. This one was different from when he took control of me, giving me sinful pleasure, but he wasn’t too far away. If they were a coin, this beast was on the other side, and whether he realized it or not, whether that guy who knew Brett realized it or not, my Brett was coming back.

I could feel him.

He was less animal, less stranger, and more mine.

“I’ll tell you again because I don’t think you’re hearing me. I hurt people. If they looked at me wrong. If they didn’t move out of the way fast enough. I’d deliver a beating, sometimes they’d go to the hospital. I never cared. Not one moment. I used to think my dad made me into that kind of person, but it wasn’t just him. That’s who I am. You can’t be with me, Billie. I ain’t any better than the killers obsessed with you.” He suddenly tensed, his head raising, then he said, “One way or another, that piece of shit is going into the ground. I’m here to speed up the process.”

The door opened behind us.

I stiffened. Brett had heard him coming somehow. The guy still waiting with us cursed under his breath, before he was moving, but he went back to his truck.

Light from the house shone over us, and we heard a female exclaim, “What the hell is going on here?”

“Babe?” another voice from behind her, a male this time.

A shiver went through me, a bad one, at just hearing his voice. She hadn’t sounded good, but he made me feel that dirty inside. This was the boyfriend.

Brett was still arched over me, and as he began to move, I clamped my legs tight, trying to hold him in place. I reached around, my arms wrapping around his back too.

“You’re going to leave me?” I breathed against him.

He stayed in place, just for the moment. My time was running out.

I lifted my chin up over Brett’s shoulder so I could see better.

The woman was heavy-set, a tank-top stretched over her front and belly with scrub pants, the kind a nurse would wear to work. She wore no bra and her dirty blonde hair was long, but messy. A portion stuck up on the side of her head, as if she’d been sleeping on it. The rest was flattened in the back. Her makeup looked old, applied days ago and forgotten. She had a cigarette in her mouth, and she’d stepped outside to smoke it. Her hand was rising with the lighter, but she paused at seeing us.

That was Shannon.

There were slight similarities to Brett, but not much. They were big-boned. That ran in the family. The way their jaw and chin were structured were the same. There was a flattening from their eyes to their hairline that also looked the same.

Nothing else, though.

The guy, I didn’t even want to look at him.

Tall. He lumbered over her, also big-boned, but not heavy-set. He was solid. Mostly muscle, but not ripped how Brett had worked his body into being. He had a white T-shirt, stained yellow in giant splotches. Baggy jeans hung off him. Dark greasy hair that stuck up all over as well. He’d not shaved in a day or two. His skin, a weird red and white pallor, was flushing red as he also stared at us. He flicked an impatient look over his face, rubbing at his eyes briefly before blinking multiple times, then leaning forward to squint at where we were.

“Who’s there?” she barked, not sounding scared. She lit her cigarette now, taking a puff and holding it to the side before she exhaled.

I hated her. She was too smug. Too comfortable.

She was going to piss herself when she saw her brother, who had tensed all over again. He was getting ready to pull back, but I held him in place. He wasn’t staying because I was forcibly making him. He was staying in place to indulge me, and I used this time for my advantage.

I began whispering into his ear, as I pulled one of my hands between us, running it over his chest. I was using any weapon in my arsenal to bring back the rest of my Brett because once he turned around, she couldn’t see her old brother. She couldn’t have him.

He was mine.

“I love you because you’ve only called me Willow one time.”

I felt Brett go solid.