Page 131 of My Anti-Hero

I hadn’t wanted to be Willow Harm tonight.

Then Brett was moving my way, and my body warmed, needing him, knowing he was coming to help in some way.

His eyes were stormy, his jaw tight, but Brandi preened as he stopped behind me. His hand went to my back.

I leaned into him. I couldn’t have even stopped myself. My body jerked toward him, and he shifted, moving so his side was against me and I rested all my weight into him.

Brandi paid no attention to any of this, but she should’ve because Brett spoke, his tone flat, “Doubard.”

Their quarterback’s head snapped in our direction. He’d been in the back with the others, and they were all now taking in that something had happened. A dark look flickered in his gaze, but he stomped it down as he made his way to the table. “What’s up?” He was eyeing the other women.

Brett’s hand was solid on my back.

A little trickle of awareness spread down my back from his touch. It was pooling at my spine. It was waiting.

Stone moved closer. “Babe?”

Dusty seethed, “We’re okay.” He still went to her, and after a second, she leaned against him. He smoothed some of her hair back and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“I’m aware this is more your friend group, but if you don’t get your woman to stop talking to mine, I’m going to fix this situation my way. I don’t think anyone wants me to do it my way.” Brett’s voice was low, but the warning in it got everyone’s attention. His gaze went to Brandi and his voice matched his eyes as he said, “When I shut women up, I don’t tend to be nice.”

Doubard stood taller, his eyes filling with anger, but that glare was for Brandi. “What did you say?”

“Nothing,” she clipped out, giving Brett a chilling look.

“No,” Doubard barked.

I jumped, but Brett held me still.

Jake went to Emma’s side, and Olvander stood next to Kayla, his hand on her hip.

Brandi gasped, then shrank back in her seat.

He rounded the table, coming to her seat. “I told you to leave her alone. I told you tonight was important.” He took her purse, her phone, and he stepped back. “We’re leaving.”

“But—” she gaped, the blood draining from her face, before she looked around the group.

Everyone was watching.

“Colby, come on—”

“No.” He held his beer out to Jake Bilson, who took it without a word, and Colby raked a hand through his hair. “I’m so sorry, everyone.”

“You don’t apologize—”

He ignored Brandi as she shoved to her feet. He finished, speaking over her, “—we will be leaving.” He fixed her with a glare. “Let’s go.”

She didn’t move. The two were in a heated stand-off.

Colby only raised one eyebrow, another kind of warning flashing in his gaze, before she broke. Muttering curses, she reached for her things, but he held them out of her reach, looking over her head again. “I’m so sorry again.” His gaze fell to me for a moment, and he winced, before giving Brett a stiff nod.

Brett returned the motion.

The tension in the room lifted, almost dramatically, but Brandi was still trying to grab for her purse and phone. “Give me my things, Colby. Or I swear—”

His gaze fell to her, and that same warning flared again. “Finish that statement and we’re over.”

She pressed her lips together, a frustrated snarl slipping out.