Yeah. Not that I’m pointing fingers or anything.
Point anything you want my way.
Gotta go. Coach just got here.
Iclose my phone and look up as Coach walks into the room. “Why aren’t you both dressed for dinner? I told you we had plans tonight.”
Coach Ron isn’t a big guy. Certainly not as big as Brandon. But where I already know without a single doubt that Brandon Dixon would never hurt me, Coach Ron Meyerson has proven over and over again that not all pain is physical.
Saying no to him has never been an option.
“Dad...” Nina whines. “It’s our first night in the village. Can’t we do dinner a different night?”
“Nina.” With one short word and a certain tone to his voice, she loses all her fight and drops down next to me on the bed.
We link our pinkies like we’ve done forever, with no doubt in our minds what’s coming.
* * *
What am I allowed to say today? Good luck? Break a leg? How about kick all the other skater’s asses? Speaking of asses, I YouTubed some of your old skating programs, and your ass looks fucking incredible in your costumes.
Should I be freaked out you’re watching me online? It sounds kinda creepy. LOL
How about I just tell you you’re incredible. You told me Nina was the one set to take the gold, but you won Nationals and Worlds. Why is she gonna to win the gold?
She can land a jump I can’t land, and she’s got it in her long program. She’s been nailing it for months. So odds are on her.
Yeah well, don’t forget when you come home, we’re celebrating.
I can’t wait.
* * *
HOLY SHIT. You got a perfect score. I’m so fucking proud of you. You better be celebrating.
Shush. First – don’t jinx me. Second - I’ve got one more skate to go and Nina is less than a point behind me. The free skate is where she shines.